Today's Full Moon in Gemini highlights issues where clear communication could help resolve matters.
This potent lunar phase may assist you in seeing something with greater clarity, enabling you to create a workable plan. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 27th November 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 27th November 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Full Moon can bring feelings to the surface that need expressing. Even so, the way you put things across is key. Yet with pushy Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius, you could end up being quite blunt and not at all diplomatic. Will this accomplish anything, Aries? It will clear the air, but being mindful of someone's feelings means you won't have another fallout to deal with later.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Today's Full Moon offers a chance of a reset that could help you get better control of your finances. A bill or expense might suddenly show up and need paying. And with this powerful influence across your money axis, you'll be ready to negotiate or make new arrangements. Tempted by a scheme that looks good on the surface? Go easy, as it might drain away your cash.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Full Moon in your sign faces off with Mars, so you could feel vulnerable and not your usual inquisitive and perky self. If a relationship has caused upset, you'll want to sort it out. Been a tad indecisive lately? If so, this may have prevented you from going for a golden opportunity. The emphasis on conferring with others might mean it's hard to figure out what's best for you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Are you taking on too many projects, when deep down you sense that you should be cutting back, Cancer? Things could come to a head over coming days, especially if you're pushing yourself beyond your limits. And yet there is something that keeps you wanting more. Your horoscope suggests that your appetite for exploring new opportunities is high. Try not to take on anything else unless you can handle it.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You seem to be having such a good time doing your own thing, that you might not be bothered about fitting in with your friends. But today's Full Moon suggests you may have no option but to attend an event, even if you'd rather get on with your hobbies or have other leisure plans. Going along could open up a whole new world to you and it may fire you up in a good way.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If a project or goal reaches completion over coming days, then make time to celebrate this accomplishment. It's also possible that a project has lost its sparkle, and today's Full Moon could help you realize this. If so, there's no point in carrying on. Let it go, as something much better may be on its way. A family issue might also come to a head, inspiring you to clear the air.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With a Full Moon in Gemini and your sector of travel, plans may unravel, Libra. Fate might be playing its hand as this emotional lunar phase could lead to a fascinating encounter. As it occurs along your communication axis and links to Mars, there can be a strong tendency to act on impulse. And yet spontaneity may be just what's required if you're to grasp an opportunity.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As the Moon opposes the Sun in Sagittarius, the resulting lunar phase could bring an emotional issue to the fore. Whatever circumstances seem to arise now can be linked to feelings that are buried in the subconscious, and that might be associated with past experiences. Finding a way to gently release them may be healing and transformative. You'll soon start to thrive again, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Relationships may benefit from a gentle approach, as the Full Moon in the opposite sign of Gemini could highlight differences of opinion. While the words spoken might convey one thing, the feelings behind them can reveal something deeper. If you're prepared for an emotional conversation which might not be comfortable, then it could be a game changer in a good way.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you can cut back your schedule, then it's wise to do so. The coming days may bring complications, and with powerful energies on the cards, there is a chance of impulsive decisions. Has a job or other activity outgrown its usefulness? If so, you might feel it's time for a change. The Full Moon hints that you could be ready for a fresh start and new challenges, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Feelings could get out of hand, as you may be drawn to someone in an intense way, even if this doesn't make logical sense to you. While this developing bond can be special, it's unwise to jump into anything too soon. Take a few steps back Aquarius, and reconsider in a week or so. You don't need to cut yourself off from them, but it helps not to get too involved too fast.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Have an opportunity to bask in the limelight? Today's lunation might find you reflecting on an opportunity that could lead to positive change. Feel you don't have enough experience for it? It's worth acknowledging these emotions and bringing them out into the light. Don't dwell on them Pisces, instead use the Full Moon to release them and focus on celebrating your upcoming victory.