Horoscopes Monday 26th December 2016

With Jupiter making a sparkling connection to the electric energies of Uranus, the coming days and indeed weeks can see us looking into some new and delightful options.

Any ideas we pick up on now can open up paths that could bring us a great deal of satisfaction, so much so that we may feel moved to explore further.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 26th December 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 26th December 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Although there does continue to be some very positive planetary influences that can help you, as the optimistic Jupiter opposes the restless energies of Uranus, this can prompt an urge for something different. With the thoughtful energies of Saturn also in the mix, you will have choices, and there may even be one person who provides some words of wisdom that guide you. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your to-do list may come to mind and you could feel a little guilty if you have wanted some time out for yourself. If you have allotted a few days to unwind, then dwelling on all these issues is less likely to allow you to rest. Take at least one day for recovery after the recent hectic pace, and if you can't resist taking the helm before the New Year, at least wait a day or so.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Today can see you craving excitement and a chance to follow your own muse more. However, any sense of responsibility to others can see you making time for them, even if you would rather do something more exciting. At another level though, you may decide you have to explore your personal passions, and especially your creative talents – or will the Sales tempt you?

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Moon moves into a more practical area today. And even if you still have guests or an event to attend, you may want to apply some kind of order at least at a domestic level. Mind, with the New Year on the horizon you might be registering a sense of excitement about upcoming possibilities. Do look to prioritize and where you can, apply your energies the most effectively.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You can find yourself a little more relaxed hopefully today. The influence of the Moon is very helpful to you, and if you are attending any kind of gathering, the most warm-hearted part of your nature can be supported by this and the fine link between Jupiter and Venus. A need to steer events may still surface, but if you can, try to let others take the strain for a change.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may still have more invites for today, and you will have a really lovely ability to join in with any party games and be thoroughly jolly. If however, you are thinking more practically, you may decide that a visit to the Boxing Day sales is in order. Any bargains you snaffle could include some stylish additions to your wardrobe, as you look to rejuvenate your personal image.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Whilst the next two or three days can have an upbeat quality, this will be probably only where you feel truly comfortable and at ease in your environs and the people you spend time with. If you generally have less opportunity to be away from home, by contrast a change of scene might be good for you. A bracing walk in the countryside for example, could prove very enjoyable.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

While the past few weeks has probably seen you juggling various tasks, a part of you may feel that a change would be very welcome, particularly if you're looking to alter your core routines. With this in mind, the present picture could see you trying out an option that can add more sparkle to your days. Then again, your horoscope suggests you may be happy to just enjoy more festive goodies!

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Although there may be further invites with family or friends to be enjoyed, an electric energy between your ruler Jupiter and Uranus can see you somewhat restless. Your emotional sector is also competing with your need to be in personal charge. All this could see you struggling to go along with the flow, but even if you do feel a bit hemmed in, look to give and take.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Although you might have a clear stance on a key matter now, you could find that the lines are less clearly defined as the week gathers pace. You might have one view of an issue or someone's perspective today, but feel differently in a few days time. With this knowledge in mind, you may want to give yourself some wiggle room and not commit to a set course of action right away.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Even if you are someone who is generally pretty disciplined about what you eat and drink, today the stars can see you jolted into fully enjoying the fayre on offer, and especially if you are with people who really interest and inspire you. Stimulating conversations can see you relax a lot more, but equally you will want to feel truly at ease, and some time alone can help.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With Uranus and Jupiter face to face, you could find yourself more impulsive around what you spend. So, if you do generally enjoy a spot of retail therapy, you may want to check in for some full on treatment today, and perhaps snaffle yourself some bargains in the process. Social plans could be fluid though, and if one event changes, an alternative can prove surprisingly fun.