Horoscopes Monday 25th May 2020

Mars in dreamy Pisces makes a positive aspect with restless Uranus in Taurus so we may be eager to explore anything that is different or unusual.

This transit can have creative potential and find us coming up with ideas that have that touch of genius about them. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 25th May 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 25th May 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Some of the things you do automatically, could seem to have a stroke of genius about them. With Mars your guide liaising with insightful Uranus, this can especially apply to money matters, and to harnessing your skills and resources, and making the best use of your time. Something could click into place, and you might see a way to utilise a talent that may give your income a boost. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If a friend seems pushy, then it may be because they know something that could help you. If they keep repeating themselves, slow down and listen. It may be an idea or opportunity, or even information that could make a positive difference to an issue you are experiencing. Give this some thought Taurus, as it might be just what you need to handle a matter that has already taken its toll.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A flash of insight could give you ideas about how you might accomplish a goal or career plan, especially if it has seemed like an uphill struggle. While various factors, including the current retrograde planets can slow the pace, you may be able to offset this by following an intuitive hunch. Perhaps no-one else has tried it this way before. Be the first to show them how it's done.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It is not only you that might feel restless, it looks like your friends are feeling the same, and a conversation or video chat may bear this out. If you are keen to break out of current limitations and enjoy a taste of freedom, then several heads may be better than one, as you figure out a way to accomplish this. If this encourages lots of laughter Cancer, you might feel instantly better.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you have been patiently working away at something, then key information today could find you making significant progress. Perhaps someone's helpful advice enables you to take several steps forward and overcome issues that have been holding you back. Don't be too proud to ask for help, as a lingering Sun/Saturn tie suggests doing so might see you accomplishing much more.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Should you tell someone exactly how you feel or sugar coat your words? A positive Mars/Uranus link can encourage you to say it like it is, but this could come as a surprise to another if they had no inkling. There may be an angle you can take which enables a softer approach. They will get the picture, but in degrees. This might be easier than exposing them to too much all at once Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

How well do you really know someone Libra? Perhaps not as well as you think. Having to collaborate or liaise with them could bring another side of their personality into the open. You might be amazed by what you find out. There can be so much more to them than it seems. You could be encouraged to get to know them in more depth, which can benefit both of you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

It's not what you say, but what you do that counts Scorpio, and your actions can communicate much about your true intentions. With Mars your co-ruler linking to electric Uranus in your relationship zone, your feelings for a certain person may be as clear as day, even if you try to deny them. If you have held back for fear of what they might say,your horoscope suggests that it is likely that they already know.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

How well do you really know someone? There is a chance that you could give too much away too soon, which might not be helpful. With sultry Venus rewinding and angling towards dreamy Neptune, you may be pouring energy into a bond that isn't that important. This doesn't mean you should exclude a new friendship from your life, just that not everyone is a top priority Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may have honed your bargain-hunting skills recently, but you could still be taken in by an on-line offer that seems exactly what you are looking for. Don't make an instant decision, just let it sit for a while, as you might find something better or realize that it isn't what you need right now. Doing something nice for yourself is worthwhile though, so relish a little soulful pampering.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

While you may have plenty to do, the present star map hints that certain relationships might benefit from more attention too. Focusing on what is important to you could see you missing out on the riches to be found in a partnership or other close bonds. A lively Mars/Uranus tie suggests spending quality time with someone you care about, as it could uplift and sustain both of you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

While there is great merit in reflection, the time may have arrived to put some of those insights and brilliant ideas into action. Overthinking could be an issue, and then you may never make a move at all. Key influences suggest harnessing your energy and skills, and channelling them into something that ignites that spark of passion in you. Once you do, there may be no turning back.

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