With the Sun in Aries angling towards the Moon in Sagittarius, this harmonious aspect can see us ready for new adventures.
With our head and heart in alignment we may be ready to embrace fresh possibilities and see where they might lead. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 25th March 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 25th March 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If life has been intense these past days, then the movement of the Moon into trailblazing Sagittarius, can leave you upbeat and eager to shift your attention to what's new and exciting. A lovely Sun Moon link can be the confirmation you need that you are on the right track regarding a developing opportunity. Don't give away too much at this stage though, as you could lose out.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If a friend has a way of appearing and disappearing depending on their mood and whims, the coming days could see them gradually making a comeback. And while some people could find this disconcerting, you seem able to take it in your stride. It may be your easy-going dependability that they appreciate, and that allows them to be so at ease when they are around you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
This can seem like one of those times when the more you look at something, the more confused you become. And friends may not help either, if their ideas run counter to yours. It may be that a feeling of insecurity is causing you to second guess yourself. In a few days though, as lively Mercury turns direct once again, you could begin to feel more confident and decisive.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you need to make changes, then present influences can bring home the reason why they may be necessary. Has it been difficult to get something done? If you've felt unsure, then this could be your chance to simplify things. Rather than see this as a nuisance, see it as a blessing in disguise, as you could find that by making a few adjustments life is much easier.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With lively Mercury preparing to turn direct in your chart's most psychological sector, your thoughts can lead you to reflect on experiences that may have shaped your life or aspects of your present situation. Memory can distort the original event, so it might be easier to deal with the feelings you have now and find peace through doing so, then try to turn the page back to another time or place.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With the Moon in your domestic zone and the philosophical sign of the Archer, forging a lovely angle to the Sun, your activities today may not be earth-shattering events, but filled with a gentle wisdom and joy in the small things of life. You could spread your share of happiness to your family and those who visit, and might experience great contentment just by being at home.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may have reached a stage with a creative project or perhaps a budding relationship, where things can seem stuck. If so, it might be that you need a fresh perspective. With lovely Venus moving to align with innovative Uranus, it may be that a friend's keen insight can gift you with some amazingly innovative ideas. Even talking can bring that needed flash of inspiration.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Sun's presence in your lifestyle sector can increase your vitality and leave you eager to get on with tasks that need a final effort to be completed. With other influences in the picture too though, you could over-think this and create delays. While you can feel great pride in a job well done, your horoscope suggest that trying to make it too perfect could get in the way of letting your actions flow.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You'll feel more like yourself again with the Moon in your sign and its positive angle to lively Aries. And if you feel like channeling your energy in a new direction, this can be the time to have a go. This might involve an entrepreneurial plan, learning a new sport or taking up a hobby, and you might find that indulging can leave you feeling happier and more carefree too Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Moon in a more secluded sector, can bring on a desire for some down time and a chance to unwind. If you had a busy weekend and have a hectic week ahead, then half an hour here or there to recuperate can do you the world of good. Think pampering session or a chance for a long chat at home with a good friend. Sharing whatever is going on for you can be therapeutic.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With the Moon in Sagittarius linking to the Aries Sun, a social event could act as a restorative, if it enables you to link up with someone once again. With Mercury getting ready to turn direct in a few days, people you have not seen in a while could call or show up unexpectedly, allowing you to renew your association. Owed any money? You could soon hear news about it.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It can be easier than you thought to resolve a dispute or conflict, as key influences can be a call to see both sides of the argument. Indeed, this can be one of those times when no-one is entirely right or wrong, so you'll need to navigate carefully. By bearing this in mind, you may find that a compromise could resolve this matter in a way that works for everyone involved.