Horoscopes Monday 25th February 2019

As the Moon in Scorpio aligns with deal-maker Mercury in dreamy Pisces, our thinking can be influenced by the power of our emotions.

Even though we might understand the logical reason to do something we may prefer to let our heart lead the way. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 25th February 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 25th February 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There's no point in trying to be too much of a perfectionist, as you might never get anywhere if you are focused on getting things just so. The congenial Mercury Venus hook-up, hints that allowing space in your schedule for small pleasures, such as a walk or a coffee with a friend, could make a difference if it enables you to see a task or goal from a more balanced perspective. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your curiosity could be piqued, inspiring you to seek out opportunities for travel or study. Or you may be keen to explore your potential and ready for a change. Friends can act as a spur, by sharing information and volunteering to join you on your quest. Your plans will be something light and enjoyable though, as opposed to anything requiring months of work and commitment.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

An encounter could allow your more passionate side onto the playing field Gemini, and it might be to do with a conversation you have. It could also be something about the person themselves that captures your interest. Whatever it is, you may be keen to explore the potential in this association further, if you sense that it could go much deeper and prove to be very rewarding.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your powers of persuasion may be working well over coming days, and others could find it difficult to resist your charms. With additional input from the Moon in Scorpio, now is the time to ask for something that you have always wanted. Your words will have extra power as they will be fueled by your desire Cancer, and yet you need not be pushy about this, just honest.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

This is a good time to invite change into your life in a gentle but positive way Leo. An upbeat tie between thoughtful Mercury and sultry Venus, can see you planning to adopt healthier habits that might enhance wellbeing on all levels. At the same time, you may be aware that regular effort and steady progress is better than rushing to accomplish a major goal and then falling short.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Keen to share your feelings? A delightful influence involving Mercury your guide planet, can help you know what to say and when to say it, and your words may be especially uplifting too. Whether this involves a love interest, or you need to convey something important to a friend, they'll surely get the message. Collaborating on a project? It's a great time to get your bearings.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With sweet Venus in opposition to the point of destiny in your chart, too much indulgence could detract from your key goals and plans Libra. You do deserve some pampering and self-care, but you could take this concept a little too far when there are things to be done. Don't give up on your treats, as your horoscope suggests you plan for them and use them as a reward for routine or awkward tasks completed.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

How well do you really know someone? There is a chance that you could give too much away too soon, which might not be helpful. With sultry Venus your relationship planet, opposing your point of destiny, you may be pouring energy into a bond that isn't that important. This doesn't mean you should exclude a new friendship from your life, just that not everyone is a priority.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may have honed your bargain-hunting skills recently, but you could still be taken in by an offer that seems exactly what you are looking for. Don't make an instant decision though, just let it sit for a while, as you may find something better or realize that it isn't what you need right now. Doing something nice for yourself is worthwhile though, so relish a little soulful pampering.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

While you may have plenty to do, the present star map hints that certain relationships might benefit from more attention too. Focusing on what is important to you could see you missing out on the riches to be found in a partnership and other close bonds. A lovely Mercury Venus tie suggests spending quality time with someone you care about, as it could truly sustain you both.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

While there is great merit in reflection, the time may have arrived to put some of those insights and brilliant ideas into action. Over-thinking could be an issue, and you may never make a move at all. Key influences suggest harnessing your energy and skills, and channelling them into something that ignites that spark of passion in you. Once you do, there may be no turning back.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may have a social life, but there are times when it can seem like hard work, especially if you are helping to arrange events or are on a committee or involved in organizing and planning. Over coming days, the cosmos encourages you to take some time out just for yourself. Get someone else to step in and take your place if necessary, as you likely could do with a chance to recharge.