Horoscopes Monday 25th April 2016

The Sagittarius Moon spotlights a critical set of influences, highlighting a situation in which we may feel somewhat stuck. But are we?

If we're willing to shift our perspective we may find that the problem itself contains the answers we seek and that by being flexible we could find a way around it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 25th April 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 25th April 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A complex web of influences cast by Mars, Jupiter and Neptune can leave you feeling unsure of key relationships, which is why you may be best to pay attention to your intuition rather than logic. Your horoscope suggests that certain people may have expectations of you that are unrealistic. Try to fend these off Aries, and go at your own pace. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Do you feel frustrated at a perceived lack of progress? If so, the reason may be down to the conflict between Jupiter Saturn which can mean you have no option but to abide by certain regulations. You could fight against this, but you may make more progress if you accept authority, even if it's frustrating. It may seem you're trapped for now, but it won't be forever.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Mercury getting ready to turn retrograde in a few days time, avoid the temptation to grapple with a relationship that, while not quite perfect, may be working well enough. Whilst it's natural to want to resolve any issues there may be, resist if you can, as at this stage things could unravel rather than be sorted out. If you do have things to say, try to be subtle.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Although the virtues of generosity are well known, they may feel overrated if someone seems to be taking advantage of yours. Indeed, Mars' angle with Neptune can encourage you to adopt an assertive approach regarding any needy people. This is a time not to let your caring nature work against your own best interests or personal needs and time demands.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Are you wondering why your creative abilities and charismatic personality are not getting the same recognition they have before? If this is the case, no Leo, you're not losing your touch instead, you're being encouraged to dig even deeper into your treasure trove of talents and explore skills and inclinations whose value you may not, as yet, have truly appreciated.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It may be best not to stick to a rigid plan, Virgo. Instead, try to be flexible by making decisions based on the changing conditions around you. The stars suggest things may be in a state of disarray, with key situations likely to alter over the coming weeks. You'll need to adapt if you're to make enough progress – and will probably enjoy better results if you do.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Should you listen to your intuition or use reasoning regarding a relationship? Currently, you'd be better to go with your instincts, though you may be unsure of trusting them. If you try to work out the pros and cons of a delicate situation you could end up becoming even more confused so over-analysing may not be wise. Instead, have faith in your sixth sense.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With Neptune presently at odds with Jupiter and Mars you could unwittingly allow others to get away with things they shouldn't. However, with this planetary pattern intensifying, don't be too easy-going. And if you know at heart someone is taking liberties let them know that you won't put up with this any longer. This will create a more respectful environment.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Jupiter, your ruler, continues to align with the restrictive Saturn, so the cosmic message is to not overdo things. This is echoed by other aspects, which combined encourage you to take care of yourself, and avoid forcing the pace. With Mars and Saturn rewinding you'll make better progress if you break down key tasks into smaller chunks and prioritize each one.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Have you been wondering about your life purpose? With a continuing powerful focus on the inner workings of your situation, it's possible your plans could be in the process of changing. Nevertheless, it may take time for this awareness to filter through. In addition, getting some closure on any deep-seated emotional issues might help you further find your bearings.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your values may have altered which means you could be in the process of rethinking plans and dreams you've nurtured over a long time. However, if so this can be positive, as times have changed and you may have outgrown certain goals no matter how important they once were. Take your time though, as your newest aspirations really need to be right for you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Try not to worry if a goal you're working on is progressing less swiftly than you had hoped. Whilst you may not see instant results the effort you have invested is unlikely to be wasted – and should begin to bear fruit over the coming weeks and months. Indeed, with Mercury rewinding shortly, consolidating any gains you've made will only strengthen your position.