The week begins with the Sun relocating to the sign of Taurus. The 2nd sign of the Zodiac ruled by Earth, with a fixed Quality, and with the Icon of the Bull. This asks us to convert the ideas, and new energy of Aries into more lasting and tangible results.
Any activites related to firming up the foundations of our world's is something which we can persue. Finances can be part of this, but our values are also emphasised by the Sun's passage through this sign.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Sun's on the march today, moving into the sign on from yours, Taurus. Think of all the things you have been beavering away on in the last month, and these can start to shape up now. You can also find yourself more focused on extracting the best value from all you do. Deals appeal, as also could cutting your costs.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Sun joins Mercury and Mars in your sign today, giving you an awesome trio of energies to help you make your mark. Through their influence you can find yourself feeling more inclined to take a firmer grip on your life hopes. This may see you heading in a new direction, or revitalising the strands that really matter.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may find yourself fascinated by all sorts of research in the weeks to come. Now this could be to check out your next exciting holiday location, but just as easily you can take on the mantle of being your own detective, hunting down important information which you could store up for future use. A reunion might also be muted soon.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
What's the current state of your social life Cancer? If work and career have been all consuming recently, and friends have been urging you to create some time for fun, well why not make enjoying yourself a bigger priority now? Your connections with people in general can be emphasised to a much greater degree.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Mars has been urging you on all month, asking you to strut your stuff with a bit more devilment and self belief. Goals and ambitions have seemed that much more important, but the restlessness you have felt may have stopped you from fully engaging with these. Now such concerns could fade away, and options open up.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A change is as good as a rest, well, that's the saying and you can find yourself keen to put this to the test over the coming weeks. In fact, you may have been doing quite a bit of thinking all through April, but now the circumstances could create the platform for you to really decide to twist rather than stand still. Exciting stuff!
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Some new beginnings have likely shaped up this month so far, now this process can gather pace. But to create the space to move forwards, some old strands may lose their importance in your life. You could certainly find yourself yearning for a new meaning to your existence. Property moves might be afoot too, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Relationships matter! And relationship matters can take on a much greater importance for you now, whether you are having to fend off rivals or yearn for a really deep and committed involvement. If you do, you could find yourself more proactive. If you are in a tie, making this work better might become a major theme for you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You often inspire people with your larger than life take on life, but recently it's been your inventiveness that has sparkled, and added to this. You have been able to add a greater attention to detail, and fine work effort. There is more to come from you in the next month, and you won't want to be deflected from your task.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The stars ask you to show that other, more playful side of your nature today, as the Sun makes its way into your sister Earth sign of Taurus. This can also see a significant improvement in your creative energies, which with Venus sparkling beautifully with Jupiter, might also see you pull a slice of good fortune.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you can blend the listening, caring side of your nature with your natural good fun and quirky take on life, you may understand the nuances of your interactions today, which could lift those people around you. If you love cooking, you might even decide to prepare one of your most loved meals, and invite someone around to join you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You might find yourself in the mood to buy or sell an item, and especially for your home. If you do, this can be a good day to clear clutter and advertise anything surplus to requirements. If you are someone comfortable with the digital sphere, you could also do well in this arena for the next four weeks, Pisces.