We could become quite emotional today as the Moon in opposition to Pluto can bring about intense encounters.
With this transit it can be difficult to see our life in perspective as thoughts may be driven by our moods, therefore it may be wise not to make any snap decisions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 1st May 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 1st May 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Mercury is almost at a standstill as it prepares to turn direct in a couple of days, so it can seem that a situation is hanging in the balance. If you are waiting for news or for a decision, then it could appear that time has also temporarily halted, until you know what is happening. But the bigger cosmic picture suggests that whatever the outcome it can pave the way for something better. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With the Moon in your sector of communication making lively aspects over the course of the day, you may need to measure your words, especially if someone asks you for guidance. If you are unsure, consider whether it might be better to say nothing and let them find out for themselves. There may be something they need to learn that could help them.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With Mercury, your lead planet, coming to a halt prior to moving forward very shortly, you may find that your thoughts and actions can also stall, with a tendency to stay within a narrow focus. This may be because you have to concentrate on an important task. But if you shift your attention outwards, information can show up that might enrich your present efforts in a positive way.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The practical advice of a friend could stand you in good stead over coming days, especially if today's Moon vibes leave you uncertain of how you feel about a key issue. One of the links is an edgy tie to the deep Pluto in your sector of relating, which suggests you may feel pressured concerning a decision. Even so, their reassuring perspective could help you restore inner balance.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may prefer to reflect on a key situation rather than take an active part in it. This can be because the Moon in a secluded sector encourages you to consider how you feel about it, as opposed to how you should respond to it. Therefore, it would be no surprise if you decided to leave well alone, as by doing so a new slant could encourage a change of heart and bring about a transformation.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You could be in two minds as to whether to go ahead with a task or hold back for now, and this may be causing some angst. However, there is another option and that is to go with the flow. With Mercury, your guide, poised to turn direct in couple of days you may find that by the end of the week the decision has been made for you and that there was no need to worry after all.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Sun's presence in your sector of transformation suggests that whatever issues you may be faced with at this time could be resolved by changing your approach to them. Part of the reason they can be ongoing is that you may be fixed on one particular outcome. There could be other possibilities that might work out better for you if you are prepared to look into them further.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Aspects of the day ahead could be rather intense, particularly regarding a conversation in which you and another may not agree. However, it might be easier if you can come to a compromise. Indeed, with the Sun in your sector of relating your horoscope suggests making this a priority rather than getting drawn into anything else. Besides, the issue could blow over in a few days, if you can let go.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The present blend of energies can contribute to an air of excitement that might have been ongoing for some while now, especially if you are looking forward to an event. But adopting a calm approach may be wise, as there might be delays to contend with. You could find yourself building up to an event only to find that it has been postponed. Going with the flow may be best.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The cosmic backdrop suggests that you may need to give a certain person some leeway if they make a promise yet are hampered by unexpected events. And while this could prove to be frustrating, it is likely you may have to wait a few more days before it all comes together. However, in the interim, this might allow for a few adjustments that may improve the outcome considerably.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A new relationship might seem perfect, but given time it could reveal its true value. Therefore, if anything transpires over coming days that may put you off pursuing this further, consider waiting a little longer. With Mercury poised and ready to forge ahead midweek, you may find that any issues slowly melt away Aquarius and the positive features begin to be revealed.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It may be your original ideas that encourage someone to take your efforts seriously. However, you could shy away from saying anything, particularly if what you are suggesting seems very different from the way things are normally done. By taking the plunge though, you could find that your thoughts are taken more seriously and can add value to a major strand or project.