We reach month six of the year and as we do the Sun in Gemini continues to be at right angles to dreamy Neptune, the planet which has had a major impact all through 2015. And with talk and thought Mercury also still twisting backwards in the sign of the Twins, communications remain fluid, at times magical and at others darn right confusing.
But this month also sees a wonderful alliance between the Sun and Mars, one which is set to go on – broadly it's true, first though Gemini and then through Cancer. So all the slugishness we are currently encountering, will not last all month, that's for sure. For your FREE Daily Horoscopes 1st June 2015 please join me below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Sun and Mercury are squaring Neptune as June begins and this is an influence which can see you needing to manage your energy, and particularly your nervous energy. Ironically, with Mars angling brilliantly to Jupiter, as long as you are ultra clear about what you are trying to do, you will find the necessary physical resources.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Discussing money will need some care as you burst into June, Taurus. You can be very canny ordinarily about resources, despite your occasional desire to enjoy life's pleasures to the full, but something can really intrigue you or perhaps it's a special someone, but unless you are really sure of your bases proceed carefully.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Saturn continues to roll backwards, and asks you to remain mindful of how you approach relationships. With such a lot of energy still pulsating and boosting the values and characteristics of your own sign, it would be easy to interact with less awareness of others. Care around professional interaction is particularly important today.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Is it your imagination or has someone seemed to have been somewhat elusive or evasive over the weekend? Well, perhaps not, but then have you been somewhat less forthcoming yourself? With both the Sun and Mercury heightening your sensitivities, do give yourself as much of an opportunity to retreat or reflect as possible.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You could find yourself coming up with some imaginative ideas for your future plans. And linking with others may be part of this. But if this requires any kind of long-term co-operation, or finances or resources are involved, it's going to be important to have clear terms of references agreed between you, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
What do you feel identifies you in terms of how other people view you? Do you feel they see you as being capable, astute, kind and practical? Maybe, but whatever I speculate, it's what others think you represent that really counts. Make sure that you create a very clear impression. If you don't, you may give out the wrong one.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you're the type of Libra that has a passion for social justice, fair play, higher ideals, the law and so on, you could find yourself motivated as this week begins to uphold your values. Some kind of research or learning can be part of this. Yet you do need to be absolutely clear about what your true motives are.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your co-ruler Mars makes a stunning link to Jupiter today, one which can give you a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and no little self-confidence – when it comes to matters of the world, and particularly business and finance. But if you're looking for appreciation for your creative talents you can't be too idealistic.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Make sure that you're listening carefully to what someone says to you. You can be very direct in the way that you express yourself but others can tend to use more subtlety, and this can be precisely what happens today. Mind, with someone you feel really comfortable with, you could make some ambitious plans together.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The details of situations could get rather bogged down, so do keep abreast of facts and figures. If you do, today does offer an opportunity to extract greater value. A fine link between Mars and Jupiter may even see you do something more speculative that could work out really well. It's just about finding the balance.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Yours is a fixed Zodiac sign, and despite your reputation for innovation, getting things off the ground is not always such an easy task for you. However, if you really concentrate today you can focus on an area which could see you very motivated and able to take the initiative. Try to block out others' vague demands.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may find yourself very busy around family and domestic or home issues. If you're someone who uses your abode for work, you could become much more productive today. This does require you to grapple with the tasks in hand and especially the things that are most important. Let more nebulous concerns be.