Horoscopes Monday 19th September 2022

The Moon in Cancer aligns with Venus in Virgo, so we'll enjoy being around family and getting on with small household tasks.

This isn't a day of major achievement, but of pride in everyday tasks that are well done. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 19th September 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 19th September 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If you feel strongly enough about an opportunity, this is a good day to ramp up your efforts. Whether you're looking for a new job, business deal or an opening into a fresh career, determination and one pointed focus can assist you in getting it. Don't have enough experience, Aries? Doubts could begin to form. Brush them aside and dare to have a go anyway.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An offer that comes your way could take you out of your comfort zone, and yet be very welcome. If it's something you've been working towards, then don't hold back. The Sun's alignment with powerbroker Pluto, hints that you'll easily impress the right people. Project confidence and efficiency, and others will quickly sense that you have what it takes to succeed.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Get ready for an intense day! A potent Sun/Pluto tie, could put you into survival mode. Thoughts about safety and security may be on your mind, perhaps prompting you to take action to protect your home and other belongings. Acting on any ideas you have, means there will be one less worry to contend with. Plus, a decision to take up a new interest can be a good one, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

An in-depth conversation could turn out to be very productive. If you reach an agreement or make a decision, there may be no going back. With a powerful aspect showing, you might be easily drawn into someone's orbit because of their energy and authority. And if this bond has romantic overtones, you may be in awe of them. Still, this is no reason to ignore your instincts.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As Mars continues in Gemini, you'll be fired up and ready to take the world by storm. If you have a message to share or are keen to write about your experiences, this force can push you to get going. Yet your horoscope reveals that some of the biggest benefits come from teaming up with others who are on your wavelength. Working together, you'll accomplish much more than you would by yourself, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Moon in your social zone angles towards Venus and Uranus, which adds a lighter and brighter note to what could be an intense day. While you may be grappling with an issue that is taking up a lot of time and energy, the support of friends and a chance to chat, can take away any feelings of heaviness and inspire you not to take it so seriously. You will notice a difference.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Having Mercury retro in your sign can highlight your independent side, as you might not feel like being so tactful. This influence could also give you an inkling that certain people may be quietly using you. They might not even realize it. It can be in small ways, and you may have unknowingly colluded. You don't have to ditch them, but it will help to act on any insights.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Big decisions and positive changes can occur, as the Sun links to Pluto your personal planet. You may be ready to overthrow the status-quo and bring fresh streams of energy into your life. Something you do over coming days could bring about a shift, and whether this is big or small, it might put you on a new track. It's possible that a relationship can get closer and more intimate.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A job or contract could be a winner, if you have the stamina to see it through. It may be hard work, but the financial rewards can make up for it. On a social note, you'll thrive by getting out and about. This is the time to get involved in anything that attracts your curiosity. You love a challenge, and the thrill of the unknown might find you ready to test your commitment, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Don't let old ways and ideas stop you from trying something that could change your life in a positive way. You may have a few doubts about going for it, because it might demand a lot of you. But the outcome can be a game changer. You could discover a new calling Capricorn, or find that an interest invites you to tread a path that gets progressively more fascinating over time.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A change of heart could help a relationship move into a better place, Aquarius. If there has been a misunderstanding, a conversation can clear the air and set things to rights. It might be quite intense though, and there may be some areas that are difficult to touch upon. Yet once it's out of the way, the bond between you will feel lighter and things look set to get so much better.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Been around a certain person more than usual? If you have, you could be exposed to perspectives that impact your beliefs and cause you to rethink them. And some part of your life might change because of this. Plus, you can connect with a commanding personality who won't take no for an answer. If you aren't happy with their suggestions, you may need to put on a stronger front.

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