Horoscopes Monday 18th March 2019

Mercury in its rewind phases ties harmoniously with trailblazer Mars which can make for a very busy couple of days.

We may need to review a project to root out any flaws, but having done so things might then move very quickly. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 18th March 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 18th March 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You have the stamina to make things happen, but consider tempering your drive with forethought. Even so, this same powerful alignment could spur you on to plant the seeds of future success and prosperity. But then again, if you are about to initiate anything, it may be better to wait until the Sun has entered your sign in a few days, as you'll feel more in control. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the Moon angling towards fiery Mars in your sign, the temptation may be to dive in and to try to get as much done in as short a time as possible. While this can be a great way to channel excess energy and to move like lightning through your to do list, it is more a question of getting your priorities right. Focusing on activities that can take your life forward is a good place to start.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Whatever may be happening in terms of your personal ambitions, there can be a tendency to see things either as very good or bad, rather than how they actually are. And while the mind often works in this way, under Mercury's retrograde it could leave you feeling as though everything is subject to change. Believe you have reserves of inner strength that can sustain you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may already feel the pull of the Full Moon which takes place in a few days, as it heightens emotions and brings key issues to the surface. This can be a good thing if it encourages you to consider what no longer serves you, and how you might benefit from releasing it. It may be tempting to hang on, but if this matter has been a burden, your horoscope reveals that letting go can feel so very good.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Perhaps one of the most important things you can do over the days ahead is to sit quietly and think about your present situation. If you are feeling pressured due to everyday busyness, then it may be even more helpful. A few minutes here and there can restore vitality, but it might also enable you to see the big picture and how present plans might contribute to your overall purpose.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Being as authentic as you can with those closest to you, as well as employers, friends and anyone else you connect with, can pay dividends. With an upbeat focus on your communication zone, those you meet will likely respond positively to your ideas and intentions. Impressing them with your sincerity may be very good for you if it helps you get support for a bold new plan Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Let your instincts guide you when it comes to giving away time for free, as there may be a tendency to go too far due to a misplaced sense of duty. Mercury's rewind and its link to sobering Saturn over the days ahead, may show up as a protective nudge that suggests keeping something back for yourself. A coffee and a chat with a friend though, can have a soothing influence.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Although the Sun in your leisure sector suggests taking time out to relax, you may be way too excited about a current plan to do so. The dynamic Mars Pluto tie-up is like a steam train powering towards its destination. And the pace could accelerate over coming days as you get more involved. Do allow room for your intuition to play a role, as its guidance can be vital.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A Mercury Saturn link may coincide with a slight awkwardness in a bond that is quite upbeat. Whatever happens, try not to take it too personally, as it may have nothing to do with you and more a reflection of their mood in general. A very friendly link can override any such issues, so if you get an invite to an event or a chance to go for a meal Archer, it could boost your mood.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Though you may feel a strong desire to push ahead regarding your present plans and goals, a lunar tie to feisty Mars suggests stepping back for a few moments during the day to be still. If your mind is teaming with thoughts, then one or two short breaks can allow it to settle, and for a deeper wisdom to emerge that might allow you to accomplish everything more effectively.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you have the certainty to back up intuitive nudges with action, then you could make good progress on a key issue, and bring dynamic change into your life. Listening to your instincts can hasten this transformation. In addition, the presence of sociable Venus in your sign and her tie to jovial Jupiter, hints at the potential for an encounter that could have that extra sizzle factor.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may be more open to the influence of others, which could mean you are more easily persuaded. This phase can last for a while yet, and combined with the coming Full Moon, might leave you uncertain if it weren't for another more intense influence. You may find that your firm attention on a task that needs to be completed can help anchor you and keep you productive.