Horoscopes Monday 16th December 2019

With the Moon in Leo forging an awkward angle to intensive Mars in Scorpio a stubborn mood could prevent us from reaching an agreement.

There may be an element of pride here too, but if we can reach out and compromise it could help us more than we know. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 16th December 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 16th December 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A desire to get away from it all could mask a need to avoid facing issues that seem too much to handle. But are they Aries? With the bold vibe of Mars linking to Neptune in a dreamy sector, your perspective on this matter could be skewed. Slowly lifting the lid and facing it might be a big relief. And if there is something you need to do as a result, opt for small steps just for now.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If something is worth doing, then it's worth doing well to get the momentum going. At least it can seem this way, especially as sobering Saturn links to powerful Pluto. Your persistence and level of feeling can be strong, and it is this that might see you focusing on little else for some while. Go easy though, as this all-consuming merger can drain you, unless you are flexible.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

While a lighter mood can encourage you out and about with friends, you may find your attention turning back to an issue you are keen to resolve. This looks to be something you have been aware of for a while, and it may be slowly building a head of steam. Ultimately, it might mean restructuring a business or financial set-up, but the end result can gift you with a fresh start.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You could be so caught up in a relationship that your friends and family may take second place. It might be just as well to check in with them though Cancer, and let them know what is happening. If it is intense, then a break could give you much needed space and a chance to think more about this connection. How it might affect you going forward? It is so worth considering.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may be ready to forgo pleasure options Leo. Instead, with the Red planet linking to sterling Saturn, you might be very taken with an idea that could bring positive change your way. It can relate to becoming healthier, and may see you ready to relinquish habits that aren't exactly life-enhancing. Pace yourself, as your horoscope suggests you could feel overwhelmed if you attempt to do too much at once.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With fiery Mars in your sector of communication forging an angle to a more sobering influence, you may be keen on someone one minute and unmoved by them the next, which could be confusing for them. This is not unusual for this aspect, but it can leave you and others wondering what is going on. You might be in the grip of an on/off obsession, that will surely pass given time.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You could find yourself pulled into family matters now and over coming days. And with some potent aspects on the field, this can be a time of intense discussion Libra. With upbeat planets in Sagittarius and your communication zone, you are not likely to beat about the bush either. If someone has been taking advantage of your kindness, you'll be ready to let them know.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A friendship could change you, and may be an intense experience even for the likes of you Scorpio. It might be difficult to keep away as they could exert such a fascination, even if this is a platonic bond. If this is a romantic tryst, it's possible they may feel the same about you. It can help to approach this bond with open eyes, as superficial appearances could be misleading.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your usual easy-going stance could be replaced by a determination to take advantage of an opportunity. The coming days can see you willing to use charm to impress key people and get the desired outcome. This may be linked with home and property matters, and indicates new developments. Could it be the first step in a plan that might see you contemplating a change?

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may be surprised at how intensely you are drawn to explore an opportunity or interest. Something that takes you into new territory could have powerful appeal, and a friend or partner may be keen to share this experience with you. You might want to give this your all Capricorn. And although another option can appear easier, your mind seems made up on this score.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

While your social life may be pleasantly engrossing, deeper issues that have change at their heart could be uppermost in your mind. Giving yourself space to think such matters through can be crucial to making a wise choice Aquarius. An invite that comes out of the blue may be different though. If it involves someone you haven't seen in a while, then you may be eager to accept.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Today and coming days, could see you involved in a group situation that might involve intense discussions perhaps with a view to starting a project. Even though the outcome looks to be positive, you could contribute much to such talks. Are you deeply involved? Consider taking time out Pisces, so you can reflect on the best way forward. It always helps to be aware and alert.