As fiery Mars in its retro phase moves back into Capricorn for a few weeks, we may find ourselves reflecting on a goal or ambition.
It may be that something about it needs to change or even that it should be dropped altogether. Whatever the decision it could lead to something better. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 13th August 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 13th August 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As stirring Mars your ruler, moves back into your sector of goals, you may be ready to reconsider an opportunity that seems more intriguing than it once did. It can take a while for things to get up to speed but if this feels right Aries, then do what you can to secure it. In addition, a spiritual friendship might become a lifeline, offering a mutual support system that could boost spirits. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The cosmos may be leading you into the past and encouraging you to re-experience a place or reconnect with certain knowledge. There can be something about going back over old ground that is life affirming and that sets the pace for the future. Your social life looks upbeat too. It can be just as well to maintain firm boundaries though, as it may be hard to say no to some people.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Expressive Mercury can begin to slow down over the coming days, as it prepares to turn direct this weekend. As this occurs in your sector of talk and thought, watch out for a lapse in concentration that could leave you prone to a misunderstanding or mistake. Not all such happenings are bad though, as delays could ironically see better opportunities show up over time.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Moon in pin-pointed Virgo aligns with exuberant Jupiter and ethereal Neptune, which can allow for something beautiful to make its mark on you over the days ahead. You may be touched by words or perhaps a movie that could have more than a passing effect. This might encourage you to change, and even if only in small ways, doing so can be a positive step forward.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As dynamic Mars continues in its rewind phase Leo, it re-enters your lifestyle sector. Indeed, this can be one of the better times to finish off anything that is hanging over you. There is often one task that we cannot get around to, and this could be your chance to sidestep a potential aversion to it and get it done. Indeed, the same can be true of any project that may be almost complete.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A little discrimination can go a long way to helping you make good choices. You could so easily be swept away by an idea or even by someone who seems quite mesmerizing. If this is the case, then take a step back, as doing so might help you to see the truth of the matter. Use your instincts, and if you sense things are not as they seem, then bide your time and quietly observe.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As feisty Mars reverses back into your family zone and a more private sector, this can be your chance to get to grips with any domestic tasks that need attention. If a DIY project is long overdue, seeing to it now can inspire you to get up to speed with any other outstanding matter on your to-do list. Most of all, your horoscope reveals it can be a call to resolve a family matter that might require a solution.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With three planets rewinding in your communication zone, it can seem that your best efforts are failing you. This is not quite true though, as you may be getting valuable feedback about what doesn't work. If something is persistently bringing negative or no results, then a change of tack may be required. A fresh approach could transform apparent failure into possible success.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The days ahead can see you inspired by feelings of compassion and caring, and this could translate into wanting to be of service to others. And while the cosmos does encourage you to be practical, there may be a way to combine both. Even the smallest of actions done with a kindly heart might truly help another, and can form the basis for further activities in the future.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The questing Mars moves back into your sign today where it joins practical Saturn and powerful Pluto. With all three in their rewind phase, cosmic forces may be alerting you to opportunities that you may have sidestepped. And the chances are that others have missed out on them too. They can inspire you on a very personal level, so getting more involved could be deeply rewarding.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The cosmos encourages you to be kind to yourself, as a focus on a private zone hints that deep-seated issues may require healing. Even so, you may also be keen to help with a project that allows you to give back to your community. If you find such activities enjoyable, then this can turn out to be as good for you as it is for others, and perhaps something that is worth repeating.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If someone seems to offer some critical suggestions today, give it some thought Pisces, rather than taking offence. It is not that they mean to upset you, but more that they may have a clear understanding of where you could trip yourself up. This person may be genuinely trying to support you and keen to offer their thoughts in the spirit of helpfulness and true friendship.