Horoscopes Monday 12th August 2019

As maverick Uranus turns retrograde from today until January 2020 it can become a tad more unpredictable than usual.

We may be inclined to make impulsive moves or to stubbornly resist a path that might be a wiser option for us. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 12th August 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 12th August 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With chatty Mercury newly in your sector of leisure and romance, you may feel moved to learn a new skill or take advantage of an opportunity to market your creative work. Don't let any seeds of self-doubt stop you Aries. And from today lively Uranus rewinds, which could see you a little more impulsive regarding money issues. Yet a pause for thought is all it takes to prevent this. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the Moon journeying through your adventure zone and making key aspects, you could be taking something too seriously, when a lighter approach might serve you better. You should still give your full attention, but if you allow uncertainty into the picture it can impede progress. With Uranus rewinding in your sign from today, you may enjoy breaking the rules now and again.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Mercury newly in your sector of communication, you may be in the mood to barter and negotiate. If the deals you have on hand are important, then you may redouble your efforts. Still, with a lunar focus on a more intense zone, it can help to take your power back from those who have a hand in your money affairs. The more control you have, the more at ease you can feel.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As energizing Uranus rewinds in your social sector until early next year, the coming months can see you being more independent of your social scene. You may have an urge to do your own thing, or to be more open about your personal idiosyncrasies, rather than trying to fit in with the crowd. The net result might be that you attract free spirits who are very refreshing.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You certainly have a full house Leo, and with lively Mercury being the latest addition, you'll be eager to hit the road running. Ideas and plans may crowd into your mind, but you can't do everything at once, so choose according to your priorities. At the same time with electric Uranus rewinding in a prominent zone, your horoscope hinst that a change of heart could mean re-adjusting a plan or goal of yours.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With Mercury, your ruler, in a sheltered area along with three other planets, it's the perfect time to look to your thoughts and feelings and consider how they may be influencing everyday life. Clearing emotional baggage so that life energies flow freely can have a positive impact on key areas, and might also leave you freer and happier. Need to be alone for a while? If so, don't feel guilty.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This looks to be another sizzling week for social events and for getting involved in group and community projects. Even so, with freedom loving Uranus rewinding in your sector of transformation, there may be an area where you are tempted to hold back the tide of change. If you are resisting something that is out of your control, this phase can help you gradually let go.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Lunar ties to sobering Saturn and potent Pluto, can see you mulling over something in great detail Scorpio. If you have a decision to make though, it may be better to take your mind off it, otherwise you might end up doing nothing at all. Want to make a good impression? Flaunt your talents and don't feel bad for doing so, as others could benefit from your natural ingenuity.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may have found it hard to settle to a strict routine with the restless Uranus in your work and lifestyle zone. With this planet of freedom rewinding from today, the urge to make your time your own could get stronger. If you find this to be so over coming weeks, then getting involved in activities that have the excitement factor could be the start of other liberating changes.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

What are you wrestling alone, that might work out better with assistance? With your guide, prudent Saturn, continuing to oppose the Point of Destiny, the suggestion is that things may proceed more easily if you ask for help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, then doing so can bring almost immediate relief. And you may find that working alongside others turns out to be more interesting as well.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Life at home could go through a subtle shift, as Uranus your co-regent planet goes into reverse from today. You may note the décor and decide that you would prefer a look that reflects newly acquired tastes. Or you might simply want a change. If this goes deep enough, you may even be considering a move to somewhere that offers a unique quality of life or a lively environment.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You could feel guilty for not getting involved in a friend's plans and for preferring to do your own thing. With the focus on your leisure sector though, this is very much a time to do what you want. If you are helping out of a sense of duty and feel a tad resentful, then perhaps it's better to be honest. They may not like what they hear, but you will likely feel a whole lot better.