Venus moves into Virgo Mercury goes direct. On Venus does that ring a bell? Well, if it does you'd be right. This planet moved into this sign for the last twelve days of July earlier this year, before rewinding back into Leo.
And after the planet of flirts extended soujourn through Leo, now we get down to brassier tacks, well, at least that would normally be the case. And with the ruler of Virgo, Mercury also now travelling forwards the values of purity, service assistance come to the fore. Mind, with Saturn at a right angle, the truth may out in any relationship where freedom tangles with percieved obligations. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 9th October 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Neptune has been hugely influential this year, and this week has been in direct opposition to your ruler Mars. Today the Moon joins in on this aspect, and this can stir confusion and mystery at every turn. Try not to obsess about one small detail. Seeing the big picture can turn out to be a really significant gift at this time.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The great news is that your ruler Venus, has relocated into the most glamorous, playful, affectionate and charismatic of sectors. She is going to support you splendidly over the next twenty eight days, a time when some kind of revival in your social and romantic situation is possible. Despite this today, things can seem blurry.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your ruler Mercury ends his backward rotation that has lasted since the 17th of September. On the face of it arrangements may seem to fall more quickly into place. But if you are trying to make some changes, be they physical or more emotional, to the basis of your world, it's going to be vital to stay sensitive to others' too. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Relations with people may have seemed really quite charged this week, but today does offer an opportunity to understand that some of these challenges may be down to how you and those you're interacting with perceive things so differently. Clarity is not guaranteed, but being open to dialogue can certainly help.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Venus has relocated and ordinarily this would be a signal for an improvement in your financial situation. It still can be Leo, but with Saturn having applied a very restrictive energy for much of this week, you are reminded not to squander any gains on the back of impulse or whim. If you are buying or selling, do remain cautious.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
After an extended transit through the sign of Leo, Venus has finally arrived in your sign. Your ruling planet Mercury also goes into a forward motion. These two issues can be very helpful to you, but are unlikely to be a panacea to all your hopes immediately. You may have to be the one who reaches out or takes the initiative.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Someone may be resisting opening up to you as clearly and succinctly as you'd like. If so this can ratchet up a level of anxiety or uncertainty that you could well do without. This may find you feeling emotionally pulled in two directions; the first between what you want to believe, the second by what you fear is the reality.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may have experienced a heightened sense of uncertainty or self-doubt over the last three weeks. The irony is there's been plenty of attention, even plaudits that have headed in your direction but despite this you may have struggled this week, to accept what's been said at face value. Pleasingly one friend can be reassuring.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you have found yourself slightly at odds with a friend or a group situation, this wouldn't be a surprise. With Mercury going forwards from today this can undoubtedly be helpful. However, if you've made a big push towards a career goal or big hope this week, you could still find yourself feeling becalmed about this today.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may not be in the mood for too much interruption today. Whatever you want to do, can seem much more attractive than what others can expect of you. A desire to break away from normal routines is not necessarily a bad thing, indeed you may find yourself more outspoken, and rebellious than is usually the case.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With such a big emphasis on your relating sector in the last couple of months, there have been opportunities and challenges around your interactions with others. Now however, with the arrival of Venus in your sector of deepest truths, and its clash with Saturn, you have a chance to decide whether you should stick or twist.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With Mars in your sector of relating, being joined by both Venus, and more fleetingly the Moon today, and Neptune still spinning the potential for distortion, a relationship issue will require a great deal of care. The trick is to not think too sombrely about this, but neither expect to get exactly the responses you would like.