The Moon makes a very lovely link to Neptune today. This is not long lasting, but trusting our intuition or showing an act of kindness can work out well. This can also help us bring more subtlety to bear.
This has been a potentially dramatic week, with lots of potential for changes and demonstrating determination and willpower. But being able to tune into the more emotional side of life is important too. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 5th February 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 5th February 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With so many conflicting opportunities all vying for your attention, you may be uncertain what your next move should be. The option that interests you the most may offer you a little more influence and perhaps more money too. Yet, the offer that interests you the least could ironically open doors for you that ultimately would be far more to your liking, Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Try not to get uptight if someone you know well is reluctant to listen to your take on an issue. Although you may have experience on your side, the present alignment of the Sun in Aquarius and Mars in Scorpio, can make them extremely stubborn and resistant to outside views. Use a light touch if so, and anyway there's a good chance they will see sense in time. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Although you may be keen to meet a deadline or accomplish a goal, try not to overdo it. In fact, it might be helpful if you limit the amount you have to do over the days ahead. If you attempt to keep going at the same pace you could begin to falter. Instead, introducing a few leisure activities into the mix can help you stay upbeat and positive about everyday obligations.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Keen to turn over a new leaf? Try not to dwell on past experiences too much, as doing so might affect your confidence. A contrasting blend of energies can see you swinging between an optimistic approach and one that leaves you wanting. Even if you have to continually remind yourself of how talented you are, it's worthwhile making a start.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
It may seem that all you want is a better version of what you already have – but do you? The current planetary backdrop suggests this might not be the case. Perhaps what's best for you is something so new, fresh and cutting-edge that you haven't even thought of it yet. Don't be pushed into choosing too quickly, but be open to new approaches as they emerge.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There's a good chance your routines may be disrupted, just as you're getting into your stride. Furthermore, the coming days may bring more of the same. Still, there's something to be said for allowing life to surprise you. Indeed, if you can accept such interruptions with good grace, you might discover something that gives much food for thought, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
There are times when it's best to keep your thoughts to yourself, particularly if close ones seem in a more sensitive mood. If someone insists that you share your opinion or viewpoint then don't feel obliged to offer it. It might be better to keep it to yourself for now, as the fallout from doing so could heighten tensions and linger in the air for days.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you're not happy with your lot, then you might wonder why this is, and whether if you'd had a lucky break, things would have turned out differently. However, this might just be a signal that you're feeling restless and in need of a change. Wait a few days though, as the coming New Moon will spotlight issues that you really need to grapple with, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Are you wondering if you're being a tad selfish concerning a certain matter and whether you should put others' needs before you own? It may be that you are picking up subconsciously on an undertone in a conversation, or perhaps someone is being more direct about their dissatisfaction. Previously unspoken feelings can jump into the open just now.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You might not realize it, but you could come across as being a little too demanding, so much so that friends or family members may get irritated. Perhaps you're not being paid as much attention as you deserve and feel this is the only way to get it. In contrast, doing something for someone else can leave you feeling pleasantly uplifted, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With Venus, the planet of affection, syncing with Pluto in a very secluded area of your chart it may be that you have a secret attraction to someone, though you might not want to reveal all to friends at this stage. Indeed, you might never tell the person in question how you feel for a variety of reasons or will you gather your courage and speak out?
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A desire to explore your inner world of feelings, dreams and inspired ideas could compete with the need to make travel plans and thoughts of adventures in faraway places. It doesn't really matter what you do, as either path can lead you on a journey of self-discovery that significantly changes your life and that could also alter your perception of yourself.