Today’s Horoscopes Friday 4th September 2015

The Moon is set to pass into Gemini today, and as she leaves Taurus, she will be going face-to-face with the strict energies of Saturn. This can create a brief but really rather limiting set of energies.

If you find yourself engaged in small-talk with someone, they may either seem a bit brusque or disinterested, or it could be you who feels frustrated by what seems like, inane chatter. Fortunately, Mars is starting to move into an enlightening link with Uranus. And as the day goes on,  if there's something important we need to say, we can do so with personality and passion, and people can be highly receptive. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 4th September 2015 please read below..

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Great news Aries, the Sun has escaped the enervating clutches generated by its opposition to Neptune, and you can feel much sharper today – even if the Moon does briefly tangle with Saturn, suggesting you choose your words with care or prepare for someone's sharp retort. But in worldly matters, you can be truly supercharged.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If a friend has proved somewhat elusive this week, the chances are by the end of today things can be much clearer between you. The bigger picture for you personally Taurus also suggests that some changes that perhaps you've felt fretful about, can now seem much less daunting as you find yourself in sparkling, dynamic form.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

To coin a modern phrase, your work-life balance may have been somewhat distorted this last few days, and either area may have had a rather draining impact upon you. Fortunately, as the Moon glides into your own sign, you can feel less like a cork on a wild sea. In fact, if you put your mind to it, great things are possible. {copytag:[615]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Over the last few days your imagination has probably been absolutely awesome, the problem has been in dealing with everyday matters, which may have seemed much less appetising. Fortunately, a conversation today can help you to refocus on what's really essential, or you can find yourself spurring someone else on, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There could be a brief moment of tension today between you and a friend, Leo. Possibly this is because you both want different things from a social situation. Try to compromise. However, really pleasingly any uncertainty you encountered earlier this week around finances, can be replaced with a crystal clear agenda and action plan.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

In the last few days, a combination of influences has probably made it hard for you to concentrate in the way for which you are so well known. In fact, you may have been uncharacteristically muddled and lacking in clarity. The great news is that normal service can now be resumed, though one person may find you a bit picky.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may have found it hard to pinpoint why, but you might not have been at your best psychologically this week, even if someone has seemed keen to pour praise upon you. The Moon's relocation today will help, even if you find yourself more to the point than usual, but look to your inner resources to guide big decisions.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

This week has offered some rich possibilities in terms of career advancement and cultivating key contacts, but equally there may have been times when you've found it difficult to stick with a plan and found yourself becoming sidetracked by other issues relating to your social or family situation. Refuse to be knocked off course today.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Saturn does not return back to your sign for another two weeks, despite this he is briefly prominent today when he goes face-to-face with the Moon. The suggestion is that it is best not to be over-optimistic in terms of how you feel other people will react to some of your ideas. Stay grounded, and true progress can be made.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Tiny Pluto, in your sign, starts to connect superbly with the Sun. This influence is going to go on until the middle of next week. If there is something that you have painstakingly researched and planned this can be the moment that you finally execute your hopes. You can do so with real precision and no little panache.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Moon moves out of the homely Taurus and into the more sociable and outgoing Gemini. She then goes on to forge a great link with Mercury in Libra, and this can get you thinking about what you'd like to do this weekend. But at a deeper level you can make some stunning personal connections as the Sun and Pluto combine.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As the saying goes, no person is an island, well, that's my modern take on it, and the next five days give you an awesome opportunity to make the most of the way you connect with others. This doesn't have to be in a romantic context, but the people you can relate well to can become so, so important to your biggest hopes.