Mind and heart can move together in harmony, enabling us to feel comfortable and happy as we move through the day.
Decisions should be easy to make without any inner conflict to delay the process. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 31st August 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 31st August 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With a developing tie between lively Mercury in your creative zone and sweet Venus in your sector of relating, your candid way of expressing yourself can mean others are captivated by your charms. The coming days can see you being quite the socialite Aries, and enjoying the chance to connect with old friends and new. Giving yourself the chance to shine is the key. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The temptation to indulge could be strong, and it may be difficult to refuse treats if you are out and about with friends or attending a special occasion. With lovely Venus in your wellness zone, you may not feel like being good either, preferring to partake of home cooked items, especially the gourmet variety. This trend will change, and a disciplined mode could begin to take hold.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Linking up with friends, networking and generally enjoying getting out and about can be very fruitful. One or two interesting encounters might certainly be worth following up. You could be drawn to someone who is fun to be with and easy to talk to, and this might inspire you to want to firm up this alliance further. In quieter moments, a brilliant idea could sparkle in your mind.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
An unexpected invite could be something to look forward to, and if all goes well you might want to make this a regular meet-up. It may be that this person is like a breath of fresh air and that this is a friendship to cherish. If you happen to be having people over for a meal or get-together, the coming days can be perfect for such an event, which according to your horoscope could be delightful.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If your mind has been focused on strengthening connections and forging new bonds, then you may not have noticed the opportunity to improve the material side of life. A lively aspect involving the Moon and Uranus in a prominent sector, suggests you may spot an opening that you can utilize and even exploit. You will need to be persistent, but results will emerge if you are.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Sun in your zodiac sign suggests that you may be feeling energized and confident, and over the coming week or so, this sense of wellbeing could increase. Even so, there may be one issue that needs to be resolved so that you can look forward to the future without feeling that the past is playing on your mind. Sorting this out once and for all can free time up to enjoy life.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may find yourself swept up in a whirl of social activity that you'll very much enjoy, with this being a positive theme today and over coming days. The people you meet and the conversations you have could leave you quite upbeat and looking forward to further encounters. Mind, with the Sun in a sheltered sector, you can also benefit from some time quietly reflecting.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Although congenial Venus in a reflective phase can coincide with a desire to prefer your own company, you may find you are in demand. Friends may have plans for you and be eager for you to join them, which can set you up for good times ahead. However, be prepared for an unexpected invite from a surprising quarter, as accepting it could have positive consequences.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As lively Mercury aligns with sociable Venus, this gregarious aspect could whet your appetite for fresh adventures with friends or a group or club. Although you may be quite happy to sample new experiences solo, it might be a lot more fun to have others along. Such activities can also trigger insights, as seeing the bigger picture could help you tackle a more complex issue.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
An impromptu idea for an outing or date could add sparkle to the coming days. It could even lead to a chain of events that takes you in a new direction. As the Moon syncs with restless Uranus, it may be just as well to expect the unexpected, and to consider doing something you have never tried before as you may find it really adds something to you and your life Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There may be many reasons why you feel like spending time in solitude, and it could be linked to activity at a deeper level. Key planets are currently stirring up your psyche and making it difficult to ignore issues that may be sensitive or buried. However, it may be worth seizing on any insights you get over coming days, as these could spark a process of positive change.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone you connect with daily may be about to become more of a friend and less of an acquaintance, as a lively aspect hints that this bond may be about to deepen. A conversation could set the tone for a more intimate connection that looks to be a positive development for both of you. This influence could also relate to a budding romance that could become more.