The Moon in Gemini has gone face to face with Saturn, and the start of the day may see someone be picky or irritable. Choosing our words carefully may prove helpful.
This is especially so with Mercury still retracing its steps. Yet despite this, if we think things thru with care, and are considered in our approach, people can know that what we say is what we mean. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 2nd October 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Late last night you may have had a heart to heart with someone you're a close to or you encountered someone who seemed rather stilted. There can be less of this today, in fact with the Sun and Mercury combining, a stuck subject could finally be discussed, but you may need to listen and acknowledge another's point of view.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Jupiter begins to forge a strategic alliance with Pluto, one which for you can be especially influential could both planets are located in your sister Earth signs. You can often be resistant to change, but if ever there was a time to demonstrate just how talented you were, this is it. Seize the chance to show what you are truly capable of.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The playful and expressive side of your nature is certainly helped by the close combination of the Sun and Mercury. But don't be too quick to jest, for a hasty comment could have ramifications. Despite this, this can be a time which can be fated for a very close relationship or for where you live, how you live and who with. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As long as you can be balanced in what you say, other people can be extraordinarily receptive to your comments. If however you're seen as pursuing a purely personal agenda, this might not be the case. The challenge for you at the moment continues to be trying to be as objective as possible around your deepest emotions.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With hard work and application your financial situation can truly improve. But then again, what can change is your own personal values around all sorts of little details in your life, things which didn't seem to represent much importance to you can now seem really key, even if they're some very basic comforts to relish.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With your ruler Mercury, continuing to twist backwards, on the face of it you will need to keep on keeping on, at least until this time next week when the retrograde comes to a close. You might not be seeing much evidence of any kind of breakthroughs, but some significant alterations can start to shape up in the next month.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Quite a lot may seem in a state of flux but flux doesn't necessarily mean disorder or be chaos to the point of difficulty. What it may mean however, is that your love of equilibrium is being challenged by the speed of different options that are shaping up for you. You may have to take a deep breath, but things can be progressive.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The combination of the Sun and Mercury, in your 12th Solar House, is probably giving you a lot to think about of late, and especially about the people that you're closely involved with. It may seem that certain people are very detached from you, and this could well be challenging but other confidantes can be inspirational.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your ruler Jupiter may not be in his most prized location in the sign of Virgo, but he is forging an influential connection with the planet of change, Pluto for the next four weeks. Something truly significant can alter during this period, and you may see yourself catapulted into the limelight or taking on greater responsibilities.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Things may seem rather unclear as far as your worldly interactions are concerned, with mixed messages, lack of messages or messages you don't want to hear. But what you can do pretty well the rest of October, is determine to take a much firmer grip on your life direction. This may require you to be more single minded, however.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Sometimes we are headed in a direction that gets us to where we want to be. But sometimes we get to where we need to be, without realising that that direction is even opening up in the first place. The certainly could be an element of this now. You may be best to stay humble, and trust where life will lead you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A connection to a person within a community or to people who share similar values and principles as you, can be prove to be a shining light for you this month. However, don't take any new found alliances for granted or assume everything can be on your terms. And an old situation, may still need sorting out properly, now.