Mercury moves into the sign of Libra, and one of the great attributes of this the seventh Zodiac sign, is of fairness. Almost immediately, we can be more detached about other people's viewpoints.
As Mercury has passed through Virgo, it has been absolutely tremendous for precision. But when it comes to seeing the big picture, it is more challenged, where is in Libra, it can help us to stand back and be more objective about the flow of opinions between us. If you have been struggling to hear what someone else thinks, now you can agree to disagree. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 28th August 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you are looking for added inspiration when it comes to employment prospects, look no further than your friends. Someone in your network can give you some excellent guidance today or even a hot tip. This can also be a great time to reach out and connect with people who are authorities around diet, nutrition and exercise.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
There's such a lot of creativity bubbling around your situation at the moment, but to really make this stick and become something more tangible, it's going to be about how you apply these talents. Fortunately, you are someone who likes to see results, but attention to detail is going to be as important as inspiration now.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
I hope you're looking forward to the weekend, and with the Moon moving into Aquarius and your ruler Mercury into Libra, today, you have an opportunity to connect with the airy energies which are so important to your zodiac sign. You may spend time with a family member, or invite friends round and play mein host. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
After what has been such a bubbly week in terms of your connections with others and the scale of events as Mercury relocates into Libra, you may find yourself just wanting to catch your breath and gather your thoughts. One area that could be absorbing your thinking, perhaps more than others, could concern shared finances.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
By tonight, you may find yourself being drawn into a conversation which has something of a fated quality. Even if it's with someone you know well, you may decide that you want to be rather more direct with them. Yet your mind can still be nimble, and you could even be rather generous to someone you're close to, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Being an Earth sign you recognise that concepts are all well and good, but you enjoy it when you can quantify your ideas in a hard and fast way. The chances are you have been exceptionally inspired of late, but now with the move of Mercury, your ruler, you can start to firm up what's what, and especially around cash and possessions.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Mercury arrives in Libra, and due to a retrograde from mid-September, this means this transit will last through to the first day of November. This will be an exceptionally important next nine weeks, therefore, a time when your ideas and originality can gain more currency. You can find yourself more outward, almost right away.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Both Mercury and the Moon relocate into more sensitive parts of your situation. This is ironic because a cluster of energy in the sign of Virgo this week, has created a more outgoing dynamic than you have experienced for a long while. All this could see you reaching out to someone you haven't spoken to for some while.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The next nine weeks are going to be a particularly busy time from the social viewpoint. That's not something that I think you will find daunting, on the contrary, this can see you at your very best. However, you may be surprised by how some associations will develop during this period of time, especially professionally.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As much as this week has almost been like an agenda for change, just where those changes pan out may be something that you're still carefully considering. If you are unsure, sources of information can be crucial in terms of your decision making, and one person can prove to be an important mentor over the coming weekend.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Moon in your sign now and the relocation of Mercury into your sister air sign of Libra, are both welcome developments. They can help to lighten the mood and mode, and bring out that more inquisitive side of your nature. Set to travel today or over the weekend or even consider a new vehicle? Your timing is perfect.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Some lovely comments may have been flowing backwards and forwards this week, be they flirty, supportive or encouraging. However, you can spend the next few days considering more tender relationship issues and for this, you may find yourself stepping back a bit, and creating a little more private time to reflect.