Astrology News – Friday 24th April

The Moon goes face to face with Pluto, and as is now a monthly event, this will ratchet up emotional intensity. You may find one relationhip or conversation seems just that much more charged up. And whilst Venus and Jupiter continue to sparkle together brightly, encouraging us to keep a sense of perspective and enjoy some down time, Mercury does start to seperate more from Mars, suggesting things can be a little less focused on material situations.

Just be aware that the approaching weekend planetary vibes suggest that plans for events, dates and meetings can be subject to some last minute changes, but try to go with this if it happens to you, it could create some exciting, if unexpected possibilities.

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Moon goes opposite Pluto today, and this is a monthly event which has been going on for some years. This is all about balancing issues in your home and professional situation. For example, if you work in your abode, make sure that domestic or family issues don't inhibit you, or stop you from properly functioning.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You have a reputation of being quite stubborn at times. Whether this seems to fit your estimation of your personality is another matter. If you do find yourself exchanging ideas with someone today, and not necessarily agreeing, this is not the best of times to get too entrenched. You may be more emotional than usual.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Sun is forging a quincunx, with Saturn. The suggestion here is that subtle issues that have bubbled beneath the surface in a close tie may not be so bad to totally weigh you down, but could prove quite illusive to actually sort out. Money or possessions, along with feelings especially, are more closely bound up.


Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Around any personal matter, especially if something seems to be festering more powerfully than usual, it would be a good idea to talk to someone who tends to be more objective and is outside of your situation. They'll be able to give you a clearer oversight of how things really are. Once you've talked with them, you'll feel lighter.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Have you found yourself feeling more focused on goals and ambitions in recent days, or is this something that has gone on all of this month? Whichever, the chances are you are going to find yourself thinking more about how you slot into life as a whole. Your natural self-confidence is certainly boosted from now.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The truth of certain situations has echoed out across the whole of April. Either you've been more strident, or those you've encountered have told you exactly how it is. This may not have been a particularly smooth experience, but it's opening you up to new possibilities. It could be best to just hold on and see where it leads.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Saturn is asking you to become so much more conscious of what you say and how you think. And you may have surprised yourself and others by being blunter since just before last Christmas. But with this planet tracking backwards, and at odds with the Sun today, if you speak out you must get your facts exactly right.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Relationship scenarios have been much to the fore for the whole of this month. You've found yourself much more in the mood to take the initiative and go on the front foot, whether in competitive situations or around key ties. It's also important to be mindful of the need to listen, ironically, especially to those you disagree with.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

How are things working within your world? Are they as smooth as a well oiled machine or are there elements of your existence which are less than streamlined? If so, you've got an excellent opportunity to tackle these things now, but it may require you to show some personal sacrifice and put more sexy strands to one side.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your ruler Saturn can have an oppressive influence, especially when it forges less than positive angles to other planets or positions. Today is a point in case, and when it comes to your self-expression, ideas, creativity and even romantic hopes, he may have a tendency to let past experiences or doubts hold you back.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

All this month you may have wanted to make some fundamental changes to where you live. And the arrival of the Sun in your 4th Solar House this week has probably emphasised these, furthermore. Yet, you need to be really clear about why you want to make any changes. If you're not, it might be best to hold off for now.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your word power has definitely been boosted all through April – first Venus and Mars and latterly Mercury and the Sun. All these influences have been asking you to be more logical, and this is definitely very important today around any professional issue. Do choose your words with great care and consideration.