The Moon in Libra aligns with fiery Mars in Leo, so our feelings might inspire us to action.
In this case, if something seems unbalanced we may be ready to do what we can to create equilibrium once again. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 18th June 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 18th June 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Need to make a decision? This is the day to get your thinking cap on, as the Quarter Moon in Virgo can encourage you to consider this matter in some depth first. You could go too far though, and get caught up in so many minor details that it becomes difficult to see the bigger picture. Try tuning into your gut Aries, as this may be more accurate than too much logic and overthinking. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you've started something, you might as well finish it, that is if it looks to be worthwhile, Taurus. An entrepreneurial experiment could show promise, and if so, today's lunar phase encourages you to take things further. The same can be said of a budding romance, a new interest or a creative project. If you are enjoying yourself, keep going and see where it leads.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Feeling edgy and not inclined to be around others? Today's powerful lunar phase could make a key discussion inevitable. At some point, you'll need to talk over a plan or decision and get some feedback. Even if you'd prefer a peaceful duvet day, just putting a little effort into getting others' opinions can see things coming to the boil very nicely, with progress now possible.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Leave room in your schedule to be pleasantly surprised, as something exciting may be on its way to you. You could have a million and one things to do, and so easily get carried away that you lose track of everything else, Cancer. With a Quarter Moon in Virgo, '€œbusy'€ can be your new mantra. Be willing to tune into any intuitive nudges that might lead you to a golden opportunity.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you have a money-making idea, don't dismiss it. This could be more easily said than done though, as a side of you might think up many reasons why it won't work. You may have listened to such negative thinking for far too long now, and today's lunar phase encourages you not to let it affect you further. If you sense a plan has potential, then trust that and follow through, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Today's Quarter Moon in your sign may be like a gear change that encourages you to take the next step forward regarding an ambition, goal or career move. If things have been going well, then you'll sense that continuing is the best option. Your horoscope reveals that a positive influence can boost your enthusiasm and give you a push that will help build momentum and speed up your results.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Ready to commit to an idea? Over coming days, a key lunar phase can help you decide if this is going to be worthwhile, or not. Would it be a wise investment of time and energy for the future? If yes, then do your best to make it happen. The Sun's angle to the Moon in a private zone, encourages you to watch your dreams, as they may have clues and guidance to help you succeed.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Who you know can have a positive impact on your plans, which is why today's Quarter Moon may inspire you to reach out and connect. If this person has influence, then so much the better Scorpio, as they might be able to pull a few strings for you. If your plan is linked to business or financial matters, this could be a crunch time, when their assistance may help seal the deal.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Today's Quarter Moon in your sector of ambition, suggests this may be a day for decisions. The question is, should you compromise or stand your ground? With the Moon in practical Virgo, you might find it easier to put feelings aside and go for what you want. Will this upset someone? It could do, but if it looks like you are never going to get what you want, go for it anyway.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Keen to make room in your schedule for just one more thing, Capricorn? Today's Sun/Moon angle may prompt you to jettison certain activities so you can give more attention to something that has captured your interest. The thing is, if you don't have time, you'll make it, if this is important enough. Plus, your love life could show extra sizzle that reignites a special bond.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The time may have come to decide how to proceed with a relationship. With the Sun in dual-minded Gemini, you could find such a decision difficult. There might be a compelling desire to draw closer to someone, and yet how can you be sure this is wise? What are your instincts telling you? If you feel deep down this is going to be a good move, trust it Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As lovely Venus continues in your sector of creativity, her presence can find you happily engaging with any art or craft that you've mastered, and even some that you haven't. And if you are using your skills to create something for the home, it could make a great talking point. Planning to go ahead with a DIY project? You might want to get a second opinion, Pisces.