Today’s Horoscopes Friday 18th December 2015

The Moon in Pisces was influential yesterday and it can be again once more today, as it goes face to face with Jupiter. This can in some ways heighten our perceptions but also distort reality somewhat.

If you are attending any kind of function, this can actually add to the merriment. However if you are trying to grapple with more serious issues, try to slow things down so that you don't feel you are getting caught up in any kind of drama. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 18th December 2015 please see below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If plans are not coming together as you have hoped, it may be down to the ongoing and enervating angle between Saturn and Neptune. This is seeing forces beyond your control undermine your best efforts. However, today's lunation could bring insights, and focusing on small doable actions, can help you to feel less stuck.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Today's tie between the Moon and upbeat Jupiter hints that you may be looking forward to some time out and a chance to engage in any Yule frivolity. Nevertheless, the deeper pulse of Venus and Pluto suggests there's unlikely to be nothing superficial about one connection you make, which could prove very illuminating.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you've been unhappy with a friend's attitude or recent actions, or those of a group you're part of, how much longer can you let this dominate you? As Mercury, your ruler, ties with incendiary Pluto and Uranus, the answer may not be long in coming. In fact, you may startle them with a sharp-eyed and withering slice of honesty. {copytag:[615]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Pisces Moon might make a keen desire seem less urgent or at least encourage you to put it off for another day. Even so, as Venus connects with a passionate pairing between Mercury and Pluto, you might notice how powerfully a person or situation affects you and this may yet spark you into comment or action, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Today's Quarter Moon can present you with a choice between rising above the frenetic pace associated with this time of year or being overwhelmed by it. However, with the Sun strengthened by its position in fiery Sagittarius, look to find ways to make the days ahead as simple as possible – given your present circumstances.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you're wondering why everything seems so stressful, then it's likely because Mercury is aligned with both Pluto and Uranus, which could create a high degree of mental tension, especially if money or shared finance is involved. Taking practical steps can help, but so might talking things over with someone experienced.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you and another are united in a joint purpose then a lot can be achieved today and over the weekend, as long as you're willing to compromise on certain issues. Getting shopping in for the holiday week and organizing your home for guests or visitors can be swift work – if you're willing to work together to make it come together.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Perhaps this isn't the best time to attempt to multi-task, as with Mercury making an edgy tie to Pluto – and over the next day or so to Uranus, you may be trying to do too much at once. To cut down on stress and amp-up the more positive side of the festive season, don't be too proud to reach out to others to do their bit.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Today's Moon Jupiter tie can show up as a feeling of restlessness, perhaps because you aren't achieving as much as you think you should. If you have your heart set on a goal that isn't materializing, as yet, then consider that at this busy time of year you'd be better to lower your expectations and do what you can for now.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Venus's tie with both Mercury and Pluto in your sign makes for a very powerful and focused blend of energies that can align head and heart. If you and another are on the same wavelength then it is going to show. You may realize that you share the same ideas and passions too, leading to a potentially fruitful and productive relationship.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your natural kindness and generosity are likely to be to the fore and might see you splashing out more on last minute gifts than perhaps you had first intended. Nevertheless, such gestures are unlikely to go unnoticed and could contribute to greater goodwill developing between you and your family or a supportive friend.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Today's Quarter Moon might see mild tensions showing up today, ones that can set you thinking about a project or goal you're involved with and whether it's really for you. However, if this is a really big scheme don't make hasty or impulsive decisions, at least not without thinking through any unintended consequences.