The Moon in Aquarius forges a helpful link to Jupiter in Aries so we'll be in a positive mood and eager to enjoy new experiences.
Ideas can come from being part of a group of people that have some refreshing ideas and perspectives on life. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 17th June 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 17th June 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Have a strong desire to help someone out? Before you leap to their rescue, be sure that they really do need it. It's possible they're not as vulnerable as they appear. It might be easier for them to let you do it, than to tackle this matter themselves. A kindly but firm approach, can let them know they're pushing their luck, and that you're encouraging them to depend on themselves.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Does a developing relationship have the romantic potential you've been dreaming of? Before you get too carried away Taurus, it's wise to get to know them better. No matter how much you want to run with this, it may be wise to take a step back, and look at it from a down-to-earth perspective. It could work out really well, but to avoid disappointment it helps to play it safe.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Wondering about your abilities? You may think you'll never make the grade. Yet others know what you're capable of, and trust you'll do a fantastic job. Just get started, and hold the intention that you will get great results. As you do, things will fall into place. Someone with a lot of experience might have nothing but good words for your efforts, so believe in yourself, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Will you, or won't you? With a mixed picture on the cards making decisions may be fraught, especially if you're trying to think things through. This might make things worse, as before you know it, you'll be tied up in knots. The easy answer is to trust your gut, and take it from there. Even if an intuitive nudge doesn't make logical sense Cancer, it can still prove very effective.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Certain things could come easily to you, but be careful you aren't lulled into a false sense of security. If you are, you can lose more than you gain. Anyone who offers you a scheme to make money that is “sure†to work, should be ignored, Leo. Mind, you'll make great gains by socializing, as all kinds of opportunities may show up. Missed out? You might get a second chance.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The impact of two major planets, could find you worrying unnecessarily that something is about to go wrong. Yet with a focus on a highflying zone, there are so many things that can go right. Usually, you are very good at rationalizing any doubts or fears, and allowing them to recede into the background. In a few days your confidence will return, so just do your best.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If energy levels have dipped, then it's time to listen to your body's messages and take a well- earned rest. Once the Sun moves into your sector of goals and career next week, you'll be so much busier. For now, make time to relax and involve yourself in activities you enjoy. And if you're curious about a new opportunity that feels perfect for you Libra, then do follow it up.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may feel like taking a chance, but under the current sky it might not be wise, Scorpio. No matter how much you want something to work out, you could end up disappointed. If you're patient, next week can be more successful. For now, focus on finishing projects and tying up loose ends. This will give you a clean sheet from which to explore exciting new options.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Sun and Venus angling towards Neptune, it's possible you'll get the wrong end of the stick and say or do something you'll regret. If you do, admit it at once, and good feelings will be restored. Restless, and looking for an outlet? With Mars and Jupiter ramping-up your energy levels, you may well be. Your horoscope reveals that a good walk or workout can help clear your head, leaving you calmer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If a friend appeals to your caring and warm-hearted side, you'll want to help. Even so, if this has become a habit, gentle encouragement to become more self-reliant would be better for them and you. There is nothing wrong with setting firm boundaries, and in this instance, the sooner the better. Besides, you'll have your work cut out for you dealing with your own issues, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you've been caught out once, then it's unlikely you will be again. But with some confusing aspects on the go, this is the time to stay alert regarding financial matters. If you get a sense that something is not right, look into it further, Aquarius. Something may seem like a good deal, but with hazy influences on the go, you could lose out. Next week will be more straightforward.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Telling someone how you feel may be good for you, and help cement a positive relationship. If you're in a developing bond, then things can begin to sparkle a little more from this point on. Still, make allowances for mixed messages, as it could be so easy to misunderstand a person or situation. Plus, a down-to-earth friend might help you unravel a complex issue, if necessary.