Horoscopes Friday 16th November 2018

As lovely Venus turns direct from today this convivial planet will now be at its slowest, gradually picking up speed up over coming days. 

Her forward motion can be a turning point and could coincide with a crucial decision if not now, then over the coming week or so. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 16th November 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 16th November 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Key bonds may be about to change, as lovely Venus pushes ahead in Libra after her rewind phase of almost six weeks. You may have a different perspective regarding a key relationship now than you did then, which can lead to some well informed decisions. Don't rush these though, as by allowing things to play out naturally your instincts will guide you best of all. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you have felt compromised by the actions of people at work or even in everyday life, then better times may lie ahead. As sweet Venus your ruling planet turns direct from today, the coming week or so can see a potential change of heart. You could initiate it by starting a conversation, or perhaps those involved might realize that their outlook is not that helpful.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Certain people may not have been open about what they've wanted, which might only come to light over coming days. A friend may have seemed enthusiastic about a project, but now may feel differently. It's also possible that a romantic bond may be seen differently than it did due to recent experiences. Once you accept that change is inevitable, you can move on.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be fuelled by excitement to reach out for new opportunities that can take you out of your depth. With dynamic Mars forging an angle to confident Jupiter, the thought that you can do better may take hold and lead you to explore new options. However, as lively Mercury rewinds from tomorrow, it's best not to jump into anything without doing the in-depth research first.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With the Sun continuing its journey through a more private sector, you may feel like working behind the scenes and taking life easier if you can. However, you may not be able to resist an idea whose time has come, and one that might prove remunerative too. While Venus's forward motion could be a blessing, your thinking may still need to be fluid for some weeks.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If financial matters seem to have been subject to delays over recent weeks, things can begin to change. From today, lovely Venus moves forward in your money zone after retracing her steps in recent weeks. If important plans have stalled due to cash flow issues, your horoscope reveals you may soon be able to make your move as she speeds up again. Get ready for positive changes Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Over past weeks, you may have cultivated an idea of how you would like to be seen by others. And now that lovely Venus turns direct in your sign, this may be your chance to put key ideas into action. You'll want to be seen in the best light, so take your time to choose the clothes, hairstyle or accessories that will allow you to shine in a way that others can respond to.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

It can seem that things are not working out quickly enough for your liking today, and if so, you may want to hurry them along. A calm and cool approach can allow you to spot opportunities, whereas acting on impulse may mean you miss out. However more spiritually, as luscious Venus forges ahead, you can become clearer about what you want after a time of uncertainty.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There are some friends who are worth their weight in gold, and others who might seem to take more than they give. Over recent weeks, you might have decided on a purge to eliminate those people from your contact list who are more of a drain than a joy. Don't feel bad about this Archer, as you now can give time to those who you know are loyal and excellent company too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you've wanted to impress someone of importance and have found it difficult, it may be that you aren't approaching them in the right way. You may be trying too hard or conversely not hard enough. With diplomatic Venus pushing forward from today in a prominent sector, you could soon make a breakthrough and as you do, the person in question may respond with real warmth.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The recent weeks may have seen you questioning beliefs, especially those that you were exposed to in your early years. Over the coming week or so, you may feel it is time to let go of the old and adopt newer more life-enhancing ideas. This may not happen immediately, but with the help of a mentor, teacher or life-coach who you can relate to, it can be sooner rather than later.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With dynamic Mars in your sign, you may feel you have waited long enough to get moving on an idea. Don't be too quick off the mark though Pisces, as despite your enthusiasm you would be better to clarify what you want before you make start. Plus, with lively Mercury rewinding from tomorrow in your sector of ambition, it becomes even more necessary to do some research first.