Horoscopes Friday 16th February 2018

As delightful Venus makes an harmonious alignment with cautious Saturn, this rather dutiful aspect can be excellent for business.

On a romantic note, we may not feel like making any great displays of affection, but can prove ourselves by being reliable and trustworthy. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 16th February 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 16th February 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Moon in Pisces and a more secluded sector, you may feel like stepping back from life, especially if you have been though a rather hectic time Although your social life will be blessed for some months in general, within a few days when the focus shifts to your spiritual zone, reflection will come to the fore. You may also find yourself questioning certain long-held beliefs Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Maintaining your position can be easier if you stick with your instincts and back up your internal knowledge with a few facts. Some friends in their desire to tempt you to come on board with their plans, could embellish the reasons why this might be good for you. If it is something small, then no worries, but for any major schemes, your practical knowhow can serve you very well.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Approaching someone who could give you advice might enable you to forge ahead with a personal goal, and save you money too. The coming days though, could see you becoming muddled if you try to deal with too many options at once. Your horoscope suggests keeping things simple and you could accomplish much more, leaving you time to enjoy leisure activities now and over the weekend.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It would be no surprise if you felt less enthused about an idea than you were, or even about the activities you have in store this weekend. This may be down to an awkward tie involving feisty Mars and ethereal Neptune, that could seem to sap vitality. However, this aspect can boost the imagination and assist your creative potential, so if you feel inspired in this way, do have a go.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With the Sun and lively Mercury linked in your sector of relating, this can be an excellent opportunity to talk, especially as yesterday's Eclipse may have brought issues to the surface that require some further discussion. Don't feel you have to hurry this phase, as you may need to hold several conversations. Doing so though, could bring things into the open in a good way.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you experienced a revelation yesterday that might make life easier and more fulfilling, then today's line-up can see you ready to apply some mind power to your discoveries. It may not only be a question of doing things differently, but of discriminating between what no longer serves and what does. This can be an opportunity to clear a path, so you can focus more diligently.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With both the Sun and the communicative Mercury nearing the end of your romance and leisure sector, you may want to clear the air and get things straight, especially in the light of any recent events. However, it is also important to know what you want and not to muddle this with what others expect of you. Indeed, attending to your own needs could energize and empower you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As sociable Venus forges a link with Saturn in your sector of talk and thought, you may be keen to share an idea with someone who understands you. And this can be a great plan as it could help you clarify your intentions. Of course, if you are keen to draw this person even further into your confidence, then you might ask them to help, which could work out well for both of you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

After yesterday's Partial Solar Eclipse, you may feel assured that an idea of yours is worth pursuing, especially if friends and associates seem to be urging you on. Even so, coming influences can be a call to reflect more deeply and to tune into your feelings more. This isn't to say that you should postpone it, but more that you could get a better sense of what might hold you back.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As feisty Mars angles towards the nebulous energies of Neptune, you may wonder whether it is worth setting a certain matter to rights. If someone has the wrong idea about you or incorrect information has been given out about a project of yours, then the coming days can inspire you to sort this out. Aside from bringing peace of mind, it could set things in motion in a good way.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With a lively blend of energies moving through the last degrees of your sign, you may want to connect with someone who could help you make the most of an opportunity. If yesterday's Eclipse seemed to encourage you in a certain direction, then this is very much the time to get the right help and advice. Following on from this, you can then make more detailed plans Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Over coming days, the Sun and lively Mercury will enter your sign, and this can feel something like a rebirth, as new ideas and energies emerge ready for you to work on. For now though, it may be helpful to take stock of any dreams and powerful intuitions you might have had, as these could indicate the direction your heart would like to travel, and the one that is best for you.