Horoscopes Friday 15th April 2016

Entertainment, with a dash of drama may be on the menu today as the Leo Moon makes some scintillating links that could hint at a wild social scene or a new romance.

When it comes to mundane matters Mercury's decisive tie to Pluto suggests this is not the time to hesitate. We must boldly grasp an opportunity if it arises. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 15th April 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 15th April 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Moon in creative Leo can be a call to showcase your skills and lavish attention on those pleasure plans you're most excited about. After recent weeks, when your confidence may have been somewhat compromised, you could find yourself rallying and feeling better about life. Nor look to over think the areas you are not so sure of. Be bold and positive. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With Mercury in your sign making positive ties to both Jupiter and Pluto, certain people may take a greater interest in you and your ideas and as a result be keen to assist. And while Mars's connection to Neptune might make you unsure of their motives, on this occasion Taurus, it does seem as though they're very much on-side and able to complement your efforts.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Have your conversations with certain people become more serious lately? If they have Gemini, then it may be to do with the ongoing activity in your sector of relating. With Saturn dancing backwards and Mars about to turn retrograde, this can be a time of questioning anything you may have taken for granted about each other – and also of reaffirming your connection.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A progressive aspect pattern can bring opportunities to move in circles with those who share your interests. If you're keen to change your social life for the better, the present backdrop suggests this can be the time to make your move. In addition, becoming involved in local community projects might be another way for you to develop supportive and fulfilling friendships.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The ongoing Jupiter Saturn connection can lead you to believe that delays in progress are your fault, when it may be a matter of timing. In fact, with Mercury moving across the most visible sector of your chart and angling towards Jupiter and Pluto, a piece of advice or an opportunity could set you on a path you've long wanted to explore – which could prove satisfying.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Does something that is playing on your mind need to be looked at more objectively? It is possible Virgo, particularly as Mercury's developing tie to Pluto could see you becoming more analytical over coming days. Even so, it may not be the issue itself that is troubling you as much as the way you are approaching it. Consider if a change of approach is needed.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Does it seem that no matter how much planning you do nothing works? If so, current influences hint that by paying attention to your intuition you may be able to do better. Following such a hunch could result in you accomplishing more than you have recently, a time when you might have suffered from information overload which is never helpful to you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With Mercury in your sector of relating forming a splendid angle to Jupiter in your social zone, you may be in a position to receive a payback for the help and concern you have invested in other special people. Although you probably never thought about being rewarded for your help, your horoscope hints you may be quietly pleased that this person has the generosity of spirit to do so.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

No matter how much you want to get ahead you could experience delays. Therefore, even though you might find this disconcerting regarding a job or meaningful project, try not to be put off. Accept that things might be slow initially, but that you could benefit immensely over the weeks ahead – even if faced with challenges. Indeed, you may thrive on them.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Are you dissatisfied with the progress you're making? It's very possible if you're keen to make a difference. Even so, with the Moon aspecting Mars and Saturn in your psychological sector, the realization may dawn that you might need to alter your perspective. You'll find though that even a small shift could transform an ongoing situation for the better.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Lunar ties to Mars and Venus hint that a relationship may now be at a crucial phase. Furthermore, with Mars poised to turn retrograde you may be in a position whereby a decision is required before you can begin making future plans. However, the planetary focus reveals this could take time and should not be rushed. See this as a work in progress.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Leo Moon can entice you to pamper yourself and enjoy a much deserved treat – and if this takes your fancy, then why not, Pisces? Yet, while lunar links can encourage the idea of a relaxing massage or spa treatment or a lovely new image or makeover, they also caution you not to be too rash with your expenditure. It's just about striking the right balance.