Horoscopes Friday 12th October 2018

Things could get fairly intense over coming days, as the Sun in Libra forges an edgy angle to relentless Pluto.

It may be difficult to remain detached if we are hoping for a certain outcome to show up, but if we can life might be less stressful. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 12th October 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 12th October 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You are generally attuned to your goals and know where you are going. Even so, to be truly happy something may need to change. You could ask others for their opinion, but you might sense that doing so would put pressure on you to include their ideas. The coming days can inspire you to think things through carefully, as what seems desirable now may not be next week. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you want to get another person's attention, then you might decide to issue an ultimatum. However, it is just as well to be cautious Taurus. It is likely true that certain matters need discussion, so encouraging this can be the first step to resolving any dilemmas. It may be just as well to think over what you are going to say first though, rather than simply launch right in.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you are keen to explore an opportunity, then there are things you may need to overcome. Any blocks to progress could lie close to home and could be due to memories lodged in your subconscious mind that have subtly held you back. Even so, exciting options may be waiting for you once you make the decision to gently work through them and leave the past behind.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

An activity that is having quite an impact on you may have started out as a seed of an idea a few weeks back. Whether a creative project or perhaps a new hobby, you may now begin to realize its potential and want to commit further. With Venus continuing in her rewind phase though, don't be in too much of a hurry as other related opportunities could show up in the weeks ahead.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It is not always possible to take the lead, and sometimes you have to hope that those making the decisions know what they are doing. Current influences can reveal a time of rapidly changing ideas, beliefs and alliances Leo. And because of this, you have an opportunity to develop flexibility while also staying true to yourself, even if this does require a very delicate balance.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Much as you might like to walk away from key duties and responsibilities, there will likely be a price to pay if you do. At the same time, if you take on other activities that seem more to your liking, they might incur further duties and a fresh set of responsibilities. With fiery Mars now powering through your lifestyle sector, it may be time to consider what will work best for you.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you are a person who enjoys a bit of a challenge, then the coming days may provide you with just that. However, if you prefer a quieter existence, then it might help to steer clear of edgy issues. Even so, with the Sun in your sign angling towards radical Pluto, you may need to make your voice heard and say something clearly to avoid an awkward issue getting out of hand.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You don't need to tell anyone how you reached a conclusion. However, if this involves a relationship or money, then it is likely down to your instincts. Someone may make many promises, but if you sense they don't intend to follow through, then you are probably right and might want to dial down your involvement. Only go ahead if it seems intuitively right to do so.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you hold back from someone you have had issues with, then you could miss a chance to discover why. Sometimes it can be because there is a conflict of values. But in this case, it could be that deep down you sense you have something to learn from them, and they from you. If you can approach them and start a conversation, your bond could grow in a special way over time.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It may be time to make a decision, and one that could have quite an influence on your path ahead. It might help if you confer with someone who could offer you guidance though. The only thing that might stop you is pride, as you may feel you should have all the answers already. None of us are all-knowing, and by talking this through your horoscope suggests you could feel so much more reassured.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you're ready to come to an agreement so you can pursue a goal or opportunity, then it might require some patience. There may be more to discuss as the coming weeks unfold, with further changes likely required. To keep things ticking over you could try one step at a time, as any more than this might result in other adjustments needing to be made. Less can be more.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

This may not be the best time to make snap decisions about money or any other important and emotive issues Pisces. With a tense aspect between the Sun in your sector of shared resources and Pluto, it can seem that no matter what you do, an organization may seem reluctant to listen to your issue. If you can wait till next week then you may get exactly the help you need.