As lovely Venus aligns with sobering Saturn this practical angle paves the way for good business relationships and formal discussions.
We may not feel in a party mood, but whatever we share is likely to contribute to the development of a sound plan. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 12th April 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 12th April 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Today's potent lunar phase can set the tone for the weekend, and as it links to prudent Saturn and intense Pluto, matters on the home front can fuel some important changes. The pressure is on and you might feel this over coming days and be keen to do whatever is necessary to shift it. And yet the presence of Mars in sociable Gemini, can see you relishing time out in excellent company Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The people presently around you might genuinely make you happy, yet the coming days could bring uplifting insights on this score. With a sobering blend of energies encouraging you to look deeply into your life and your connections with others, you may realize that it is what you bring to each relationship that makes it work, and that with focus, one bond can now blossom Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may feel a sense of urgency, and this can lead you to conclude that if you don't act now you could miss out on an important opportunity or deal. However, the opposite may be true, in that if you make that leap, it could be too soon. Over coming days, events can occur which might require you to make a few adjustments to your plans, so it might be worth holding back for now.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It might seem that a little flattery is just what's needed to help a plan of yours to mature. But the Quarter Moon suggests that someone may see through your idea very quickly, and might wonder why you aren't being more honest. If you want to make progress over coming days Cancer, then it could be better to ask for what you want outright, as this might be a big factor in getting it.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You could feel inspired by a creative project you have been mulling over lately, and this can leave you feeling excited and full of anticipation. At the same time, with confident Jupiter now in its retro phase potentially creating a few doubts, there is a chance you'll delay taking that first step. What you need is encouragement, whether this comes from yourself or from another.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Who is in control? This may be a question you ask yourself often over the next day or so. With a potent Quarter Moon on the cards, this can also be an opportunity to reclaim your power in a relationship, whether business, social or romantic. If you are experiencing a power battle, then your horoscope suggests this might be an opportunity to stand your ground and to show you mean to keep it this way.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With a Sun Moon angle in a prominent sector, the coming days can be an opportunity to make any adjustments to a plan or personal goal that might have reached a crucial stage. If you need advice from an expert or the go ahead from someone in authority, then this can be the time to get it. Don't forget to include family in your decisions, as they may feel miffed if you don't Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With the Moon making some potent angles today, a desire to experience a taste of the unknown can appeal and may be a way of escaping more mundane issues. It's best not to take a break too soon though, as there could be important matters to work through before you can relax. Get your priorities in order and do the most difficult task first, then everything else can seem like a breeze.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may need to resolve one or more issues that have come to a head recently. And with a crucial aspect showing up, you might also need to make some decisions. However, the key to improving matters can be to stay in communication and to negotiate with those involved Archer. And if a compromise proves necessary don't hesitate, as it could be your best option for now.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It might seem that if you can sidestep a conversation and do what you want, you could make instant progress. But your own sense of fairness and conscience could prevent you from doing so Capricorn. Today's Quarter Moon may encourage you to do the opposite and to seek out another's opinion so you can tailor you plans to fit in with theirs, even if it is a tad inconvenient.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The more you try to gain control over certain aspects of your lifestyle, the more difficult it could become. But this might be because certain tensions make this an awkward time to commit to any crucial habit changes. Besides which, even if you do begin, certain distractions might mean it becomes difficult to follow through. Given time though, you may find it gets easier and easier.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may feel you owe something to a friend who has been good to you recently, and yet this is no reason to feel you need to pay them back right away. If you can't get this notion out of your head Pisces and if it causes you to feel awkward in their company, then perhaps taking them for a meal, an outing or finding another way to reciprocate, can leave you with more peace of mind.