Today’s Horoscope
Friday 31st January
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
An upbeat Sun/Jupiter tie hints at something out of the ordinary. Your unique side craves an unusual experience that can give the day a zesty twist. Say yes to an unexpected invitation, as this is your chance to infuse excitement into your routine. Your open-minded nature will attract fresh opportunities as it’s in these offbeat moments from which magical inspiration can truly thrive.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Thursday 30th January
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With Uranus, your modern personal planet moving forward from today, you’ll thrill to the idea of change especially if it makes life more interesting. As it is in your home zone, this is where you may notice a shift. Perhaps you’ll be keen to put your personal stamp on your place by giving it a makeover that suits your individual taste. Thinking of moving? You may be ready to do it.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Saturday 1st February
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You could spend more than intended on something that may be cheaper if you remove the veneer of gloss that comes with it. Whether you’re tempted to redecorate your abode or change your image, it’s worth looking around and avoiding the temptation of buying expensive in the hope it might be better. If you are discerning enough, you can get something similar at a good price.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 27th January
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The New Moon in your sign along with other influences, means you’re stepping into a period of rebirth. Cosmic energies encourage a profound shift in your outlook on life. Old beliefs and patterns are ready to be shed, making way for fresh perspectives that align with the person you’re becoming. The world is now ready for the bolder, dazzling and electrifying version of you.
January Monthlies Horoscope
January Monthlies
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There could be an intense encounter at the start of January. But despite the planet of fortune, Jupiter’s Retrograde in your sector of speculation and a tense angle to your traditional ruler Saturn, Venus’s arrival on the 3rd in your sector of everyday money can bring some good financial news. At work, if you feel your conscientiousness is not being respected, the Full Moon of the 13th may see you start to look for fresh opportunities. And whatever your circumstances, after what has been a bruising time for many Water Bearers in recent years, sees perhaps the most brilliant Aquarius New Moon of all time, on the 29th of January. Why? Well, for the first time in our lifetimes, Pluto begins the year in Aquarius, but merges with the bright Mercury, a platform which will help you to radiate your uniqueness like never before.