Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 6th June 2022

Mercury now speeding forwards, forges a fine link to Pluto, and a sensitive angle to Neptune. Thus analysis and perception can be rewarded. Yet Saturn, now rewinding, is more demanding of the Winged Messenger and all transactions need care. Still, Venus and Uranus bind together on Saturday in Taurus and a brainwave, or innovative plan, can excite. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 6th June 2022 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You can either resist responsibility, or you could see it as an opportunity to highlight your leadership qualities. If you're holding back, then it may be because you prefer to chart your own course rather than follow the rules. Embracing important tasks might allow you to showcase your skills, and prove to those that matter that you have abilities which can set you apart from others. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There can be much that's hidden beneath the surface. And although you could be looking for answers, they might not show up right away. You may need to be content with hints and intuitive nudges for now. Plus, with thinking Mercury making an angle to powerbroker Pluto, you may get something you've been pushing for, for a while. Hopefully, your efforts will pay off.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You could ignore feelings that are telling you to look after yourself or to take a break. However, if you can tune into your body a little more deeply, you may sense that some self-care might leave you more upbeat. Just doing something nice for yourself can be enough, Gemini. And letting go of any worries that have plagued you lately could be another helpful factor.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With sweet Venus aligned with Uranus, a meeting or social event could leave you very upbeat. You may be drawn to someone who you can collaborate with, and you might even have an instant romantic attraction to them. Plus, the Quarter Moon encourages you to trust an intuitive nudge. If you run with it, you could find it's a short cut to achieving something important.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

This week could find you challenging something that seems to have become the accepted way of doing things. You might face reluctance from others, as feelings about this matter may be deeply entrenched. With Mercury linking to Pluto, choose your battles wisely. It may not be possible for others to be instantly flexible. Patience can be key to keeping things on an even keel, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you feel stuck for any reason, then moving your body may be one way to get things flowing again. Whether you go for a long walk or opt for something more energetic that gets your circulation going, such activities can help shake off any lethargy and improve the day. An encounter could bring possibilities into the mix that get you really excited about the future.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Looking for a financial breakthrough? As Venus aligns with Uranus and Mercury with Pluto, the feeling that something needs to be done could intensify. The coming week might find you even more eager to resolve an issue that may have frustrated you for some time. A unique solution can be on the cards, and with some digging and savvy thinking, you could find it, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Wondering whether to get more people on board with a plan? No matter how keen you are to stay in control, you'll do so much better if you invite others to chip in with their ideas and experience. If you want your project to succeed, this may be the best way ahead. On a similar note, someone's suggestion might get right to the core of a related issue, and easily resolve it.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Have trouble concentrating? This may be down to a restless tie that makes it hard to settle to anything, especially those tasks that are difficult on the best of days. You might find it easier if you work for short intervals, then take a break for a few minutes to do something different. What you can really be looking for are activities that involve novel ideas which you'll love to explore.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As Mercury aligns with Pluto for the third and final time in recent weeks, the outcome you want may be within reach. After some long and drawn-out conversations, you might finally get some sense out of someone, and soon you could be in a position to celebrate. Looking for a romantic adventure? A positive Venus tie is perfect for an enjoyable date or cosy getaway, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Some of the conversations you have could run deep this week, while others may get you excited at the possibilities open to you. Either way, you'll end up making progress on many fronts. Expect the unexpected too Aquarius, as visitors might show up without calling or writing, and can stay longer than expected. Keen to invest in items for the home? Get a second opinion!

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Something someone says could unsettle you, and leave you on tenterhooks. An intense blend of energies hints that you might feel a tad shaken and surprised by their revelation, with a desire to set things right. Before you say anything, it may be wise to reflect on the best way to handle this. The right approach can resolve this problem for good, and sensitivity could be key, Pisces.