Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 4th October 2021

The week begins with the Retrograding Mercury tensely angled to deep Pluto. At work, a line manager can seem to have closed ears. Yet the Mars infused Libra New Moon can lead to some frank discussions in all sorts of relationships over the next month, but especially about financial isssues, with restless Uranus also in a jagged angle to the lunation. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 4th October 2021 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

It's an excellent time to clear the air and start afresh. The New Moon aligns with feisty Mars, encouraging you to cut out all the hot air and say it like it is. If you're ready to negotiate a deal or reach an agreement, this influence can inspire an honest approach that allows everyone to co-operate more effectively. Keen to get away? Someone may have the perfect suggestion, Aries. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A new opportunity may show up, and this is your chance to take the initiative, if you're ready. The New Moon is perfect for starting a plan, project or a new habit, and with Mars involved, you could be an inspiration to others. In addition, as lovely Venus moves into an intense zone, you might be keen to hide your feelings from another. They likely won't be fooled for long, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Have a great idea? You'll need to be patient, as with key planets in reverse, it could take time to get the results you want. If you can wait, then go for it. Plus, you'll have a New Moon helping you make the most of romantic opportunities. Whether solo or spoken for, this week might make you very open about your feelings, while positive energies suggest they may be reciprocated.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Ready for a fresh start at home? The New Moon is one of the best times to get moving. Enhanced by a key influence, you'll have more energy to declutter, redecorate, and get other key projects underway. Luscious Venus moves into Sagittarius and your lifestyle zone, which could inspire a taste for food, healthy living ideas and philosophies from other countries and cultures.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Information, ideas and opportunities may arrive in a flood, and you'll need to choose wisely. The New Moon this week can find you busy with calls, appointments and discussions. The smaller decisions you make over coming days will add up, and could help or hinder you. Mind, as Venus sashays into Sagittarius, romance might be an option when you travel or try something new, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Matters around finances could flare up, with the New Moon and its tie to mighty Mars encouraging action. One or more issues may require attention, or you might be keen to start a new job or side-hustle. The sooner the better, Virgo. Life at home moves into a happy and creative groove, as Venus enters Sagittarius. Ready to give your place a makeover? Go for it!

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Ready to turn over a new leaf? This week's New Moon in your sign, is one to take seriously. Have a big dream or desire you're keen to realize? Take those first steps from midweek, and progress could be swift. You'll have plenty to say too, as lovely Venus your guide planet moves into Sagittarius. Don't hold back Libra or try to be too nice, as people will appreciate honesty.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

This week could bring a turn-around, as the New Moon in a secluded zone, inspires you to do something about a situation that seems hopeless. Perhaps someone's words act as a catalyst, and encourage you to make a stand. Tapping into your inner strength can leave you victorious. You'll have an eye for bohemian and ethnic items, as Venus enters Sagittarius for the coming weeks.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With your social life looking busier than ever, the New Moon in Libra can be a call to connect with like-minded others, both online and off. Keen to enhance your social media presence? Now is the time. Does your love life lack sparkle? As Venus enters your sign, this is an excellent time for dating or spending quality time with your partner and trying out new things together, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

This week's New Moon comes at the perfect time to take steps towards a major goal, or to launch a project. As it occurs in a high-flying zone, you'll get maximum exposure if you want to showcase your skills, or get your name known to all the right people. But as sweet Venus glides into your spiritual sector, the cosmos encourages you to be extra nice to yourself, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

An idea or opportunity may seem too good to be true, but in this case, it isn't, Aquarius. The New Moon in a far-reaching zone links to go-getter Mars, and you'll suddenly realise what's being offered. Don't take too long to decide, as it might not be around for long. With sweet Venus entering your social sector, you're in for a treat. A new friend could open a door for you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

It's time to get something off your chest Pisces, and this week's potent lunar phase can inspire you to do just that. It's not a good idea to tell everyone you're fine, when you're not. Get it all out in the open, and it might not seem half so bad. In fact, you could feel greatly relieved. Keen to make a success of something? Getting support from helpful people will be easier from this week.