Weekly Horoscopes 4th December 2017

This week sees a potent Full Moon in Gemini, and Mercury's retrograde gathering pace. With Neptune also much to the fore, clarity is going to be at a premium, especially around interpersonal communications. All we can do is try to be as precise as possible in all that we say, agree to and do. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 4th December 2017 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You could find yourself much more sensitive to other people and influences this week than usual. If there is somebody around you that does tend to be a little bit of a drain on your energy and resources, you may need to give them a little bit of a wide space. Anything to do with contractual issues, travel, agreements, higher education and overseas affairs, can though feature brightly.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You simply cannot be too idealistic around your resources. If you are, some kind of financial imperative can crop up which brings you back into the real world in quite a sudden way. Your long-term situation remains very bright, but it's probably not going to be until just before Christmas, that you can be free of more cloying obligations and demands. Dig in to fight your way through these.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

People seem to be watching how you approach things with a great deal of interest. Some of this can be helpful, whilst at other times, less so. One of the things to avoid is trying too hard to impress anyone in a position of influence. Yet on the other hand, you must ensure that you don't come across as being completely unconcerned. Worldly demands can feel rather onerous Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As Mercury continues its last rotation backwards of the year, do take care around organisational issues. This is often your greatest suit, but if anything is overlooked it can cause issues. Delightfully however, as Mars powers into the most upbeat, vibrant and playful of locations, this can also encourage you to enjoy some festive invites as well as ensuring your routines are intact.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As Mercury aligns with Saturn, this can confer upon you a real sense of clarity in your decision-making. And this could be very useful, because the planet of talk and thought is moving deeper into its 3rd retrograde of the year. This may mean that some social plans, and potentially including someone you're close to, could be subject to some changes in the run-up to Christmas.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may find yourself hypersensitive this week. Even if you're someone who prides yourself in being very practical and logical in your approach, this could be compromised by a swirling mist of conflicting facts and figures. Pleasingly Virgo, Mars in your horoscope is going to help you to punch through all of this, as he enters your sector of everyday communications as the week draws to a close.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your energy may be at something of a premium, and with such a lot of demands at this time of the year, probably one of the worst things you can do is try to be there for everyone else's demands but without fulfilling your own first. Some early nights and a clear plan of action can help you to negotiate this better. Pleasingly, the last weeks of 2017 can coincide with some kind of financial windfall.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There continues to be a lot of focus on the part of your horoscope that is to do with your values, money and life's pleasures. With it being the festive season, you may want to join in with gusto. Just be aware that your system can be somewhat more sensitive, especially to any excesses of alcohol or sugar. Mind, with Mars arriving in your sign, your vitality can leap as the week ends.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Last week's Full Moon continues to accentuate your relationships. But this can be in a family or personal dimension as much as a close personal involvement. With Mercury also tracking backwards in your own zodiac sign, there can be a sense of two steps forwards and one back. Patience is going to be important this week, so it's vital you avoid any temptation to jump to conclusions.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

This is a week when you can wonder if you want to pitch in to the festive fray or not. Part of you could gain greatest joy by cocooning yourself away in your own world, and enjoying some good old-fashioned escapism. This could be anything from an old black-and-white movie to your favourite box set. Your imagination can be vivid, and see you pick up on other people's dramas too.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your friendship sector is delightfully emphasised, perfect for the time of year. But if you're involved in any kind of group gathering, party or plan, there could be some misunderstandings about who pays for what and other key issues. Your ability to see the big picture can really help however, and the arrival of Mars in the most prominent area on Saturday gives your confidence a huge boost.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

This week could see a major breakthrough focused on your career, but equally someone influential can get the wrong end of your meaning. To ensure this doesn't happen, work hard at being as clear as possible. The week could end up being quite fluid, so if there are changes of appointments, delays in information or mix-ups and misunderstandings, try to take them in your stride.