Weekly Horoscopes 3rd July 2017

Both Venus and Mars move this week and this is going to bring a lighter and brighter vibe to bear or will it? Mars and Pluto are in opposition and sparks can fly where things are rather more seriously rooted. Resist forceful attitudes. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 3rd July 2017 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your ruler is going to be engaged in quite an intense struggle with Pluto the planet of power. As Mars is very much about energy and drive, it's possible that you can find yourself wanting to promote your causes with even greater determination and drive. But subtlety as well as willpower will be just as important. Venus and Mercury also ask you to apply a light touch where possible. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A really important discussion can occur this week, and you may even find that your thinking and ideas in general, come sharply into focus. Your enthusiasm for new approaches could be high, and you may even find yourself arranging a journey or going on one which can prove to be life changing. Your connection to one particular friend can be extremely strong, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The lovely Venus joins your sign early this week. This can help you to move into the present when it comes to hopes for your love life. With Mercury also relocating, the pace of life can step up quite a few notches. Using your imagination through your work can see you make progress. Your desire to improve your financial circumstances can be incredibly high as the week ends.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your leadership credentials are being boosted hugely with Mars travelling through your sign, along with the Sun. With Mercury also emphasizing your commercial abilities and knack for managing your resources skilfully, there's a lot to go for. Yet your relationships may go through a period of review, and it is going to be important to listen carefully to what others say to you too.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With Mercury arriving in your zodiac sign, some of the introspection that has characterized recent times will not be swept away completely, but this change can bring one of your ideas that's been in the back of your mind more to the fore. Sincere friendships can also be revived. However, in any situation where you're contributing more than you're getting back, you can reach a break-point.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your ruler arrives in a more subdued location, but you might not see instant evidence of this because there is still a very exuberant set of influences at play. With Neptune also angling superbly to the Sun, one friendship can just get better and better. This could also relate to a romantic attraction. You may have a decision to make, but the outcome could prove exciting, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

There continues to be a really big focus on your place in the world and your desire for greater recognition. But there can also be some more playful and sociable strands showing up too this week. But the intensity of this week's full Moon and its conjunction to the planet of power Pluto, cannot be underplayed Libra, when it comes to where you live, who you live with, and how.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your two ruling planets are the mighty astrological beasts of Mars and Pluto. And this week they continue their opposition to one another. This is an aspect which can generate heightened passions, but also battles of will. We all have opinions, and you may have to stand firm in the face of opposition to yours. Equally, you could encounter somebody who wishes to force theirs upon you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This could be an important week for your romantic relationships, Sagittarius. Firstly, Venus the planet of relating, moves into your sector of interaction, harmony and charm – when it comes to your ties with others. This can trigger a greater generosity of spirit over the next four weeks. But in an ongoing relationship the temperature can heat up, but money matters may be the root.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your ruler makes a fine link to the point of destiny in your situation this week. This is asking you to pay special attention to the less obvious strands of life, particularly deeper seated emotions. As Pluto in your sign, combines with the Full Moon, this can give you a rich source of energy and drive, but it could also make you much more conscious of any relationships that aren't working well.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The chances are you've been gaining more insights into what's really important for you with the planet of transformation since 2008 in the most sensitive area of your situation. Expect more this week Aquarius. It might prove a little bumpy, but all of this is helping you to rinse from your situation any attitude, pattern, job, person or relationship which are no longer key.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your dreamy ruler Neptune forges a beautiful link to the Sun this week. This can see you open to embrace the arts, creativity, home crafts, music or spirituality. You can find yourself yearning for a deeper meaning about what your life is really about. Venus is also going to help you to seek out ways of making your home existence more comfortable, peaceful and tranquil.