Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 21st November 2016

Passions can be aroused this week, but whatever we consider we need to have our facts, very clear indeed. This can be especially true around romantic and financial issues. Something could be offered that does have some kind of catch or strings attached.  For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 21st November 2016 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes 21st November 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Discussions need very careful handling this week. If you're talking to anyone about an agreement or contract, precision around the details is absolutely essential. Also, if someone makes you an offer that is linked to your career and appears to be very charming with it, you need to carefully analyse what their motives might be, and also what is really tempting you, Aries. {copytag:[643]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Sun sweeps into the part of your horoscope that is very much to do with shared resources, your assets, property and business interests. Here it joins with Mercury and the exacting energies of Saturn, who are side-by-side for much of this week. There could be a direct quality to any conversations, but your ruler Venus and Pluto ask you not to get browbeaten.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

This is a very important week for relationships Gemini. It's going to be vitally important that you're clear in what you mean and what you say, and if you are, it can help to create a greater degree of clarity. If you're single, the combination of Venus and Pluto suggests that somebody mesmeric can enter your orbit, and their energy could have a profound influence on you. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You are often one of the most organised members of the zodiac. And this side of your nature is going to shine out brightly this week. So, if there is anything where you need to grapple with details, this is a fine time to do it. A relationship heart-to-heart can also be important Cancer, but try not to focus too much on the things which are not quite right, and hold onto the bigger picture.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your creativity and physical vitality are given a huge boost as the Sun arrives in the most vibrant part of your horoscope that he passes through each year. The next four weeks give you a wonderful opportunity to express your charisma to the full, and also to enjoy the build-up of the seasonal celebrations. However, someone at work may insist you stick strictly to their plan.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If there is someone that you feel intrinsically very comfortable with at an emotional level, this relationship could reach a new level of harmony. This could go all the way to a commitment to live together. If however, you yearn for this kind of nurturing involvement and a current tie seems to fall short, it's going to be important not to react too defensively to any issues, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The pace of life is set to increase. Text messages, emails and instant messages can ping backwards and forwards. Your mind can be super-sharp in the way you grapple with issues, and you can be very succinct in what you say to others. There could be quite an important conversation with a family member, particularly a sibling or someone you're close to in your community.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The sultry energies of Venus combine with your modern ruler Pluto. If there is something or someone that you feel passionate about, the chances are you're going to express your feelings around this now. Your values are going to be very precious to you this week, but it's also going to be important to stay flexible, especially around money where a fixed position may not help.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The Sun powers into your sign for the first time in eleven months, and you're going to feel the force of this in a very positive way. Your desire to take a firmer grip on your life direction and the strands that are important to you, is really going to increase. Physical vitality can leap too. You may also decide you want to reward yourself with some kind of tempting treat.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your personal sex appeal is going to skyrocket on the back of the combination between Venus and Pluto in your sign. But despite this, you may not be entirely sure about where you stand around one key relationship, and there's the potential for some uncertainty to bubble around in the back of your mind. A past issue may need grappling with Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your friendship sector absolutely sparkles with possibility. Despite this and plenty of invitations, you'll probably find yourself orientating more towards those people that you really trust and feel most at ease with. Sincerity is often a big thing for you, and this is going to be especially so this week. Long-term plans however, can firm up significantly and positively for you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

This week may present some challenges, but it's also going to present some opportunities, and the chance to demonstrate to people just how capable and ambitious you can really be. Of course, everyone has different goals, and yours may not be to do with climbing the ladder of professional success, but whether they are or not, a key relationship can be significant to this.