Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 19th June 2023

Physical energy can be a little lower this week, and if so, it will be helpful to try to understand if any worries are impacting on this. The Summer Solstice on Wednesday, does though see the Sun power into nurturing Cancer, and our homes, the people closest to us, or spending time in peaceful situations can all prove healing. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign WC 19th June 2023, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the Sun enters a private space for four weeks, family affairs become a key focus. Attend to homely matters, but take time to relax and recharge too. This also looks to be a constructive time, as a Jupiter/Saturn link suggests measured progress. You're ambitious, and ready to work hard to make your dreams a reality. Mind, you'll need your wits about you with Neptune on the field.{copytag:[827]:copytag} 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Sun's move into your sector of talk and thought, can inspire you to get admin sorted, connect with others in your area for business and pleasure, and find ways to enhance your social media profile. This is also a good week for team and community projects, as by committing you'll gain valuable experience. Go easy when shopping Taurus, as not everything is as good as it looks.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Money matters come into focus as the Sun enters your financial sector. It's time to take stock and streamline your affairs. Keen to connect with someone romantically? Venus and Mars in your sector of talk and thought, can get the ball rolling. Plus, there are nebulous influences on the go too, so avoid ill thought-out moves. It pays to research your plans in some depth, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As the Sun glides into your sign, it's time to celebrate all that makes you unique, Cancer. The coming four weeks are great for kickstarting projects and plans that are close to your heart. Even so, Neptune's links can cause feelings to spill over. Need to clear the air? This is the time to do so. During a heart-to-heart chat you might also realize just how much someone means to you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Time to recharge, as the Sun glides into a quieter zone. This is a chance to finish anything that is hanging over you and jettison emotional baggage. The upshot is that you'll have a clean slate when the Sun enters your sign in four weeks. You'll also have the attractor factor, with sultry Venus and feisty Mars in your sign enhancing romance and boosting your natural charm, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Ready for delightful outings and uplifting events? The coming four weeks look to deliver, as the Sun enters your social zone. But it's also time to focus on bringing a key goal to life, and a positive Jupiter/Saturn link can highlight how someone could assist you in making it a reality. When it comes to career or business matters, read the small print if big money is involved.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Time to take your place in the spotlight Libra, with the Sun moving into a high-flying zone for around four weeks. Don't hide your light, but instead be prepared to shine. Send out your CV and promote your best skills and talents, and the rewards will be yours. You'll also do well on the social circuit with key planets in Leo. Your charisma will easily wow and turn many heads.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Ready for a long-awaited break? The Sun's move into your sector of travel can coincide with opportunities to get away from it all and enjoy a vacation. A desire for something new could find you ready to grasp an opportunity or commit to a new challenge. Plus, a dynamic focus on your sector of ambition, suggests that charm and leadership can boost your popularity, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Issues around finance and business may require attention, as the Sun moves into Cancer. Its four-week stay could be a chance to get back on track. And if something isn't working, this is the time to jettison it so you can move forward. Ready to get moving on a domestic project? A helpful Jupiter/Saturn tie could assist you in getting it off to a great start, and the result maybe amazing.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You'll do better if you work alongside others or invite them on-board with your plans. The focus on your sector of relating hints that co-operating can see you doing well and thriving on all fronts. And your love life may flourish too. If you need to hold important conversations or meetings, make sure that what is decided is clearly understood. Don't leave anything to chance, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A new phase begins as the Sun enters Cancer, which means the coming weeks can be helpful for getting organized and setting new goals related to your work, wellbeing and overall happiness. Plus, Jupiter's sterling aspect with Saturn is excellent for all property related matters, as it hints at a positive outcome. Wondering about the true cost of a romance? It may be more than you think.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your leisure zone lights up from this week, which can be a call to down tools and take time out to unwind. It's an opportunity to indulge those activities and hobbies that give you a buzz and leave you happier. Plus, Jupiter's link with Saturn in your sign, could help you get to grips with an ambitious project. If you persevere, you'll do well and will be delighted with the outcome.