Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 17th July 2017

Venus and Jupiter forge the most wonderful of alliances, great for parties, get together's and romantic dates. The New Moon in Leo and arrival of Mars also add more spice. However the early part of the week can see some tensions as Uranus adds a somewhat rebellious vibe. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 17th July 2017 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You could experience a degree of frustration this week, and especially if your needs seem blocked or inhibited by the demands of others close to you. With your ruler so closely aligned to the Sun all week and squaring up to the rebellious vibe of Uranus, this could make you tetchy. But more sociable and positive strands emerge as the week draws to a close, Aries.  {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There is an electricity arcing round your situation this week. This can make you very busy and active, but ultimately also very restless. Avoid trying to juggle so many things at once that you don't achieve your main aims as this could prove frustrating. Your thoughts can also turn to a past personal connection in a way which seems highly compelling and almost irresistible.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

There continues to be a degree of compulsion, especially around your expenditure or what you eat and drink. With Uranus, the planet of freedom, jarring with the forceful combination of the Sun and Mars, the trick will be to not go against your core values. Venus in your sign is also forging a beautiful link to Jupiter, and more playful and enjoyable pursuits can also captivate you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

At the end of this week the Sun moves out of your zodiac sign into Leo. In the interim he continues to combine with the go getting power of Mars, and this can give you tremendous drive and desire to pursue your goals and ambitions. However, it will be important to stay mindful of what others expect from you, because there can be changeable circumstances at work or within the family.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Whatever you feel this week Leo, potentially you are going to feel it to the absolute maximum. There is unlikely to be any half measures. What can surprise you is that issues linked to your past can come back up to the surface in a very potent way. This could put you on edge, but equally dealing with any emotional legacy can clear the way for new and exciting beginnings for you.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Someone may give you a discreet hint this week which can be absolutely brilliant as far as financial opportunities are concerned. Stay tuned for this. Then again, with your social friendships sector so strongly activated, it's possible that someone within your circle holds an attraction for you that you're unaware of. However, you may recoil from any group politics that are buzzing around.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You're likely to be in a very assertive mood. Whatever your objectives are, you're unlikely to appreciate anyone trying to interfere with what you're wanting to do. This is a very exciting opportunity for you to showcase your special skills, but also to shrug off the control that you feel someone may be too used to having over you. By the week's end, you can be in the mood to party.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your utterances have carried much greater power this month, and it's no different this week, but it could be at work or around any obligations that you routinely carry out, that you find yourself much less minded to go along with the flow. Speaking your truth may shake up the situation that you're unhappy with, but also it can be a step along the path to true personal realization.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your love life could be steamy this week, but it's unlikely to be dull. One friend can prove to be a really captivating figure, but for now you may want to keep this involvement hush hush. If you're in an existing relationship, that part of you that just needs to breathe the oxygen of independence from time to time can compete with the demands of a partner's need for closeness.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Someone continues to hold sway over you, but whether this is good for you in terms of your sense of security is another matter. How will you react to this? If you reflect the more conservative values of your zodiac sign, you may be surprising yourself with your daring moves. Then again, you may find pushing the boundaries to be rather exhilarating almost intoxicating.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Venus and Jupiter combine in the most fantastic of ways, and someone you're encountering may have a delightfully different way of being, thinking and relating that you find fascinating. However, your nervous system could be on red alert this week, so don't overload yourself with too many obligations. Find the time to rest, though your relationship prospects brighten at the week's end.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Splashing the cash could give you a nefarious thrill this week. Even if it's in buying something that you don't absolutely need, the excitement of being a little edgy can in itself be a fillip. Spending money on your home for example maybe something that you enjoy, or perhaps on improving your outdoor space. Your physical vitality can increase substantially as the week draws down.