Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 16th January 2017

With Mars squaring Saturn this week, we must not try to push too hard too quickly. The Sun moves on Friday however, to the friendly vibe of Aquarius, and co-operation is key. In love, with Venus forging a deep link to the penetrative energies of Pluto, who really counts in our world can become so much clearer.  For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 16th January 2016 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There is a great deal of energy in the more psychological part of your horoscope, and some of this is going to be stirred up by the transit of your ruler Mars in its right angle with the more restrictive energies of Saturn. You may encounter a situation this week which impinges on your values or your sensitivities. The trick is going to be in keeping a firm grip on your perspective. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A stunning link between Venus your ruler and Pluto the planet of transformation, suggests that there can be one friend or person that you could forge a deeper collaboration with which can help you to expand your horizons in the ways you wish. It is though also possible that there may be some incompatibility between your desires and the financial reality of achieving them.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Since the turn of the year, your hopes to get ahead in terms of your professional or worldly interactions have certainly been strengthened. A person you encounter this week, perhaps someone older, at least experienced or possibly in a responsible position may do their best to assist you. Equally, you could encounter someone else who is a whole lot less helpful towards you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Relationships can be transformed this week, but to achieve this there may need to be some kind of alteration in the way things have worked in the past, or a realisation that not everything will be exactly as you hope. The sticking point comes with the role of Mars's clash with Saturn, which can create a lot of frustration and limitation. One situation may reach make or break.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Sun moves into your opposite sign this week, creating an opportunity to interact with others in a more purposeful way. Improvements can come in an existing relationship from improved co-operation and sharing of tasks and responsibilities. However, if this is lacking, a grinding link between Mars and Saturn could create a lot of frustration or see feelings run high.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Relationships can be a source of wonder this week or in complete contrast, one of intense frustration. It's more likely to be ongoing ties which don't meet your expectations. However, someone you encounter for the first time can impact on your senses greatly. With regard to any creative projects you are developing, your practicality can start to shape these productively.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With Mars and Saturn in an intense right angle, if you try to cram too much into this week it may be a case of diminishing returns and it could be your nervous system which takes the wallop. What you can do is try to create some time in your schedule to do things that you find therapeutic, creative and enjoyable. An openness to holistic therapies may also appeal to you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

January can of course be a month when many of us are being quite disciplined to pay off the expense of the seasonal outlay. If your cash flow seems a little constrained this week this can close in on you a little. But it could be the things that cost nothing that give you the greater sense of satisfaction and personal reward this week. One conversation can illustrate this most of all.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Saturn in your zodiac sign continues to forge some splendid angles to Jupiter and Uranus. This suggests that patient persistence can work wonders. However, this week's influences also suggest that the minute you try to ramp up the speed that you are going, things can become less ordered and more exasperating. You may though enjoy some home-cooking Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Look to spend time this week with people who really understand the more sensitive side of your nature. If you do, you could have the most uplifting of conversations. Avoid those that you know have a tendency to aggravate you or undermine your confidence. With the Sun moving later in the week from your sign, you can assess how far certain key plans have really come.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Sun powers into your sign later this week, and this is going to give you much greater physical vitality, focus and a sense that things are moving forwards more purposefully. However, you can also receive some warm, if discreet messages of support from those people at the very root of your existence. People who don't share your values can become more starkly obvious.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A quite magical link between Mercury and Neptune in your sign, gives you the opportunity to access your imagination in a very powerful way. With Venus in Pisces also angling to the potent energies of Pluto, you can give out some very alluring vibes, which can draw someone special your way. Care may be needed professionally, where someone can feel you're being unrealistic.