Two of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Achievement, courage, overcoming self-doubt, uncertainty, arrogance, power.

Two of Wands Tarot Card Description

In tarot card terms, the number two is about negotiation and power. In particular, how we can gain power with the help of others or how our use of power influences our interactions with other people. It is important to realise that the suite of wands can throw a boisterous impulsive vibe into the mix, so tread a little carefully.

Upright Meaning

You may feel convinced the world is your oyster, and that you fancy gathering a pearl or two. Guess what? You are probably right. People are likely to be happy to follow your lead and your decisions are probably right on target. Even if you felt uncertain about your abilities in some areas before, your doubts seem to have vanished like morning dew. All good stuff, but remember the old saying about fools rushing in where angels fear to tread? Well, don’t let your confidence degenerate into reckless foolishness. This lively and energetic card celebrates innovation and invention, so don’t be afraid to make the most of any whacky ideas that pop into your head. The Two of Wands can suggest that instead of trying to use your charisma and power alone, you could benefit from working as part of a double act. This can work particularly well if you like to keep out of the limelight. Indeed, you may find that being the power behind the throne is much more to your taste. In relation to business matters, you won’t be too surprised to learn that companies or ventures headed by two people can be expected to do well at this time. Equally, if you are seeking to start a business partnership or are about to sign a contract to this effect, a positive outcome is probably in the offing.

Reversed Meaning

You may feel invincible and buoyed up with energy, but this could be something of a smoke screen which masks how you really feel or what you need. Paradoxically, the reversed Two of Wands can also mean that you are plagued by self-doubt. It may well be that you feel you have sacrificed too much on your path to success. When it comes to relationships (romantic and otherwise), someone seems to have decided they are royalty and everyone else should bow to their will. Sooner or later they will try to exert power over you – don’t let them treat you as one of their subjects, it’s time for a coup. In business matters, partnerships are likely to go through a rocky patch, don’t let a clash of egos get too out of control or a lot of good work could end up wasted.


You have been feeling invigorated. Great! But have you been feeling so good that you’ve neglected your needs by burning the candle at both ends? Or been so happy that plans have been lost in a hedonistic haze? Try to be more grounded.


You may be feeling omnipotent and believe you have The Midas touch, turning everything into gold, be it in career, education or love. But is this totally realistic? You’re running the risk of overstretching yourself. Pride comes before a fall.


The time is coming when initiative comes to the fore, and you can be there to take full advantage! This may mean working with someone to achieve the best results. Go out and show the world just what you can do.

Two of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Winning their hand, getting a date, overcoming self-doubt, acceptance, making friends.

Two of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Changes are afoot, fortunately this is likely to be in a positive way. If you are courting, commitment in your relationship could become more profound. This does not require you to do anything other than be patient; if you are, the outcome should be pleasing. If your love is in its early stages there is a need to take things one step at a time rather than inundating your amour with ambitious plans.

If your relationship is settled a few gentle adjustments can ensure you don’t fall into a rut. A chat can see you charting a path into new exciting territory. You may find you need to make a decision which will move your romance forward.

Reversed Meaning

You know the old saying ‘Patience is a virtue possess it if you can’? Now would be the ideal time to take these wise words to heart. Romantic interests may be slow to respond to your advances and dates may be subject to change or cancellation, there is nothing you can do but wait. If you are about to start a new relationship stop for a moment a check, are they really the one for you?

You may also find yourself rehashing old regrets, possibly you will feel you should not have ended a previous relationship – or indeed, started a new one.

If you have a partner you are likely to find that you are entering a phase of squabbles, in extreme cases you may even wonder if you have made a rod for your own back by forming this relationship at all. For the time being you would be wise to ride out the storm with as much serenity as you can muster.