Two of Cups Tarot Card Keywords

Partnership, relationships, happiness, affinity, attraction, bonds, understanding, forgiveness.

Two of Cups Tarot Card Description

Two is company, and when cups are involved it’s going to get cosy. Cups are associated with the heart, not the head, so emotions are high and valuable when they appear in a tarot spread. In tarot related matters, cards with the value of two emphasizes co-operation, negotiation and adaptation as a way to fulfill your wishes.

Upright Meaning

The Two of Cups is a relationship card, and in all matters romantic, it suggests a drawing together. If you are looking for love, a special someone could be around the corner. If you’ve met someone who takes your fancy, the chances are a liaison will develop further. And if you are already attached, you should enter a harmonious phase of your relationship. There is however, a caveat to the above, you need to be able to give and take, haunting your partner like a shadow could undo all the potential this card can offer. Traditionally, when the Two of Cups appears in a reading it can also point to a wedding. Nowadays, this could include deciding to move in together. The less romantically inclined may be wondering why on earth they have received this card when they wanted to know about a business deal or a career move. In such cases the side of the card dealing with partnership and co-operation can play its part. Could it be time to take in a business partner? If you are entering negotiations of any sort, the Two of Cups urges a mutually beneficial approach over hard bargaining and filibustering – if all parties gain equally from a deal or arrangement, it is more likely to succeed. Equally, it can suggest that work relationships with colleagues or domestic friendships with neighbours are particularly blessed. Once again though, the card carries a warning, good relations are more likely to be sustained if you avoid living in each other’s pockets.

Reversed Meaning

Oh no, it’s the terrible twosome! Can you and your friend, colleague or partner make any decisions without consulting the other one? Such behaviour is reasonable enough on big questions like buying property or speculating with large sums of cash, but did you really need to have a major conference on whether you wanted an egg or cheese sandwich, can’t you just pop down the shop for the paper without the other one? It’s time to remember you are individuals with your own personalities and needs. In business and social matters, you need to tread carefully, quarrels (even over small matters) could have large repercussions – tact is the key.


You’ve been so wrapped up in mutual admiration you forgot the rest of the world. Love, like fire, needs air to stay alight and you have been smothering each other. You may have lost your identity and the affections of others this way.


It’s time to join forces with that special someone who will be able to share a mutual understanding with you. This could be a friend, but it is more likely to be a romantic partner. Weddings are highlighted, but whose?


Love is in the air and if you’re single, romance is on the way. If you have a partner you’ll draw closer together. But don’t forget, you are individuals and need some air to breathe. Enjoy harmony but don’t be co-dependent.

Two of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Partnership, relationships, couples, affinity, attraction, bonds, understanding, forgiveness.

Two of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

When the Two of Cups appears in a reading you can be sure two hearts are beating as one. Relationships are blessed at this time and they can become increasingly profound, in some cases leading to engagements and weddings. Long term lovers will draw closer and any squabbles will soon be forgotten

If someone is making your heart beat that bit faster let them know. On the other hand, if there is no-one on the horizon don’t worry they are on their way, although you will have to put yourself in the position to meet folk; potential mates don’t just materialise in your front room. Relationships starting now are likely to be relaxed and loving.

Reversed Meaning

When we first fall in love we tend to live in a fantasy land where everything is perfect but, sooner or later we have to return to reality. The problem is you seem to have emigrated to a romantic dream world and have no intention of coming back. Delightful as it is, you really need to wake up and smell the coffee. The person you are interested in may not be that into you. Equally, it may be you who is shying away from relationships, yes this will spare you a lot of pain but you could be denying yourself true happiness.

You and your loved one may be speaking but is either of you listening? Take the time to show your amour just how much they mean to you.

At worst, this card may suggest the need to separate as one or both parties are no longer committed to the relationship.