Knight of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Charming, shallow, impetuous, daring, passionate, excitement, travel, change.

Knight of Wands Tarot Card Description

Court cards such as the knight, are usually said to represent a person who will be influential in your life now or in the near future. The Knight of Wands can be understood as referring to someone who is between their late teens and 35 years of age, and that has a fair complexion. Alternatively, they can be thought of as someone who is restless and lively.

Upright Meaning

For better or worse, knights represent the most extreme form of a card’s energy. The Knight of Wands suggests you or someone around you is bursting with vigour. In the right circumstances, this can be a bonus as there is a willingness to try new ideas and set out on new adventures. Nevertheless, there could be a downside with this willingness to take risks, as it can degenerate into foolhardiness. If it is you that is bouncing about like Tigger, make the most of this vibrant vibe and use your vivacity to try something different. This could be anything from starting a small business to having a go at skydiving. The important thing is to harness your drive in a positive way, because left unchannelled, it could cause chaos. In matters of romance be a little cautious. A person could arrive on the scene who seems to be a knight in shining armour. They might be great fun for a while, but they are unlikely to be reliable and are very likely to disappear never to be seen again, when the mood takes them. This character could be something of a lothario, so by all means enjoy yourself, but keep your heart under lock and key unless you are very sure of their motives. When the Knight of Wands puts in an appearance, single folk can be sure they won’t be alone for too long, as the arrival of this card can turn the shyest person into a sex-symbol. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself inundated with dewy eyed admirers. Although the Knight of Wands can work well for those seeking a relationship, he is less positive generally, and can be a warning that you are not thinking things through. Equally, you could be being a bit insensitive. If you have itchy feet, this is a good time to make a journey, particularly to somewhere exotic. A change of residence is also a possibility and may happen unexpectedly quickly.

Reversed Meaning

Someone could enter your circle who spreads discord. They might not be deliberately malicious, but they will be intolerant and boastful. When it comes to love, lady luck seems to be frowning; perhaps you’ve fallen for a heart breaker or are attracting the wrong type. Generally, indecisiveness can scupper your plans – stay strong.


You’ve been falling for the wrong type. You may have fallen for a heartbreaker, or perhaps the early fireworks of a relationship have spluttered to a halt. Time to stop looking for love, and let love find and warmly embrace you.


It is time for action and adventure. For once you can try being a little rash and reckless. Just as well, because a romance is in the air and your sexy admirer will set your pulse racing with their silky charm and charisma.


Travel, romance, or both – lucky you! Adventures, amorous or otherwise, look highly likely. Excitement reigns and either in the form of fantastic destinations and fabulous opportunities, or in the shape of a new impulsive and fun person in your life. Phewy!

Knight of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Charming, shallow, daring, passionate, exciting liaisons, lovable rouges.

Knight of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Forget settling down quietly with a good book, the Knight of Wands isn’t that kind of person. He represents someone who is full of life and always on the go. This person has a quicksilver mind and moves from one thing to another; at worst they are infuriatingly impulsive. They can hold you spellbound with their conversation moving deftly from one subject or idea to another and oozing charisma as they do so. They are not so much the life and soul of the party: they are the party. Unfortunately, they are just as mercurial in relationships so they tend to avoid the long haul.

When he doesn’t represent a person, The Knight of Wands suggests an exciting time full of adventure. This is a good time to consider taking the odd risk as you are likely to reap the benefits, this is particularly true of relationships that have got a bit staid; an exciting trip can liven up a leaden love bond.

Reversed Meaning

The Knight of Wands doesn’t do commitment; in fact he doesn’t do much of anything for long. He is impatient and then when he has what he wanted he changes his tack. With this in mind be wary around new partners, they might seem keen but their interest could soon wane.

You may feel your relationship is unstable, this could be due to the number of changes that surround you, don’t panic just hang on in there. Arguments may abound, it may be that agreement is impossible but you can calm the situation by agreeing to differ. There is also a likelihood of separation, put the hankies away this isn’t a permanent end to the relationship, it is more likely to point to time spent away due to work commitments or the needs of family members.