Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Hardworking, persistent, traditionalist, dogmatic, dependable, inflexible, faithful.

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

Court cards (those with pictures of people on) can be understood in two ways. They can give a physical description of a person; thus the Knight of Pentacles (also known as The Knight of Coins) is a dark eyed, dark haired person under thirty-five. Or they can refer to a person’s character; in this case a responsible, if conservative, individual.

Upright Meaning

The Knight of Pentacles asks you to think about your character honestly. Are you hard working and reliable, yet you still don’t seem to be heading in the right direction? If this rings true, could you be a little too unwilling to take risks and too willing to cling to tried and tested routes? You may be the hardest working person in your workplace, but is your heart really in your job or do you gaze out of the window onto the world outside and wish you were somewhere, anywhere, else? We spend so much of our time at work, it seems a shame if you spend your days dreaming of doing something more congenial. Work, in this case, doesn’t have to mean time spent at the office; it could also mean anything you ‘work at,’ such a interacting with your family or a partner. Of course, we all have to put some effort in sometimes, but if your private life is a dull chore, perhaps you need to reassess where you go from here. If you are thinking about starting a relationship or are entering the first stage of a romance, you need to consider if you might be being a bit too cautious. Could you be coming across a bit cold when inside your heart a volcano is erupting? It’s understandable that you want to save yourself from being hurt, but how can you grow together if your significant other has no idea how you feel? The Knight of Pentacles encourages you to feel passionately about life again, whether this concerns your career, a relationship, your home or an educational endeavour. He also asks you to grasp any opportunities that come your way rather than dismissing them out of hand.

Reversed Meaning

Right now, you’re as stodgy as congealed porridge, and it is high time you lightened up a little. You need to be a bit more open-minded if you want to solve some of the curved balls life has thrown you. Being cautious has its good points, but you are crossing the boundary into becoming timid and this is stopping you from making the most of all the wonderful things life is offering to you. Finances and career matters could require a little nudge to stop them hitting the doldrums.


In the past you seem to have been ponderous and pessimistic. Maybe you have had good reason, but now this is no longer very helpful. Now you need to lighten up, and if you do things will become crystal clear.


You’re working diligently, and with integrity to finish a project, but emotionally you remain unengaged. Emotional engagement may not be essential in work, but it is in relationships. Are you far too aloof and adept at denying your feelings?


Your caution is commendable, your realism remarkable and both work wonders for your career. Just don’t miss opportunities because you find change challenging. Make sure that your pragmatism doesn’t pulverise your passion. Loved ones need to know what you feel.

Knight of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Traditional relationships, long term relationships, dependability, need to accept the other’s viewpoint, faithfulnes.

Knight of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The Upright Knight of Pentacles is a practical and hardworking type who likes a steady approach and as a result values commitment in a relationship. The person represented by this card is conservative and ambitious. They like to think things through and are not therefore given to being impetuous. This person is reliable and trustworthy but perhaps not terribly exciting. 

If you are in a relationship which seems stuck in the mud – don’t despair, it will progress but you must be patient, trying to force things forward will be counter-productive. Rest assured that your relationship is secure both emotionally and fiscally, even if it is not big on passionate excitement.

Reversed Meaning

The Reversed Knight of Pentacles is never going to set the dating world alight, this person is a homebody who prefers their hearth to the highlife, they are conservative and like their own way. On the plus side, they are reliable.

Solo souls need to fight the temptation to spend yet another evening in gazing at the goggle-box. Try to get out more, doing something different from your usual routine could lead to romance.

Yawn! Single or spliced it may seem that your love life is stuck in a rut and that you are desperate for a change. Well, don’t get too radical in your approach to romance just yet, a little tweaking here and there or a spot of spontaneity could set you back on course. If you have a significant other, make sure you make time to enjoy each other’s company. Be cautious that you are not overcritical of your lover, you may be a perfectionist but not everyone shares your obsessions.