Ace of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Creativity, new enterprises, inventiveness, action, excitement, frustration, adventure.

Ace of Wands Tarot Card Description

Aces represent the number one is numerology. The number one encourages us to be single minded, innovative and independent, which is very much in keeping with the dynamic and action loving suite of Wands. You should also remember this is a card associated with new beginnings.

Upright Meaning

The Ace of Wands is a card of new starts, and the excitement we all feel when we start out on a new path. This is not the time to make a new plan; it is the time to act on it. This is about making your mark on the outside world. Has a creative idea been busy buzzing around your brain? Or do you feel ready to take on the world? This is the time to make your mark, there are opportunities out there waiting for you and you have the drive to make them successful. There is one caveat to this, although there are openings available to you, you still need to push for what you want and be willing to take the lead. If you are seeking a new job, this is the ideal moment to kick start a new career. Similarly, if your aim is to start or expand a business venture, this could be the perfect time to take action. Creative activities are likely to do well, but don’t be unduly modest about your achievements, others will notice your talent, but you need to ensure your work is readily available to the wider public. If you have invented something, get it copyrighted and set about trying to bring it to the market. Wands are ruled by the element of fire, so expect some passionate fireworks in your love life, be creative and you’ll be amazed how much fun you can have. If you are single don’t hang back, making it clear that someone has caught your eye could bring you much closer together. There is also a chance that a new person could be about to join your family. This could refer to a marriage, but is more likely to suggest the arrival of a small bundle of joy.

Reversed Meaning

What you see as confidence and self-assurance could strike other people as being arrogant and pushy. Tone it down a bit or you risk alienating the very folks who can help you on the road to your goals. It’s good you are confident, but we all have out limitations, you need to understand this before you make a serious error. A new project may take time to get off the ground, or simply refuse to start at all. It could be that the venture has been mistimed or that you have been unwilling to put in the commitment it needs. Don’t let poor planning and overblown hopes ruin what could be a perfectly fine idea.


You’ve been feeling very self-assured, but perhaps you’ve been a little bit too pushy. If you’ve found that people have been rather unco-operative or off hand, this may have been the root of the problem. Relax a little.


You are enterprising at the moment, be that in business, the arts, education or career. There is a strong energy of excitement and newness around you. The time has come to harness this to your creative gifts and act on it.


Exciting events and awesome opportunities are bounding your way! You need to be willing to show leadership skills, and impress others with your business like approach. Creativity is highlighted, make the most of this. Follow your instincts and push forward.

Ace of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Passion, new relationships, romantic inventiveness, desire, excitement, thwarted affections.

Ace of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

All this passion and excitement has probably got your head in a whirl and it’s only early days in your relationship yet. Even if you haven’t met anyone there will be a plethora of flirty glances coming your way as your mojo works its magic. This is a time when smouldering glances set the room sizzling. Despite the sensual nature of your attraction there is still a spiritual element here which can lead to long lasting commitment.

Even if you have been together since the year dot and your passion seems more like a hot water bottle than a burning flame, things could get steamy as your relationship gets a new lease of life. Emotionally you can both move closer together.

Reversed Meaning

Patience is a virtue. It’s not that nothing is happening, it’s just not happening as fast as you might like. Being too pushy could turn the focus of your attentions off rather than on. If you give them time they will come round. It may be you who has an unwanted admirer.

Relationships represented by this card may have a short shelf-life although they can be full of promise to begin with. Generally, the Ace of Wands can suggest commitment concerns.

Long term lovers my find their relationship is lacking lustre. These problems are likely to be the result of poor communication or lack of romantic engagement. Neither of these is an insurmountable issue as long as you are willing to put in some effort. Avoid the urge to blame each other for any difficulties – it takes two to tango!