Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Monthly Horoscopes September 2022

Mercury begins its retrograde on the 10th, along with the Pisces Full Moon. With Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, this combination urges us all to balance the spiritual with the practical, as best as we can in these changing times. Still, Uranus can be a force for good this month, as well as causing friction in its square with Saturn, and the best we can do is stay open minded about how we approach our resources. The Autumn Equinox ushers in Cardinal Quadrant Three on the 23rd, and relationships take centre stage, and the New Moon of the 25th is blessed by the exuberance of Jupiter, despite its retrograde. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes Sepember 2022 please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for September 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Are you sensing a slow down with all the outer planets retrograding? Mercury joins them this month, initially in the air sign of Libra, and this could spark a rethink around your approach to relating, or how others relate to you. And with your ruling planet Mars having taken up residence in your communication sector, this can impel you to make contact with others far more. However, this month's Pisces Full Moon on the 10th, may see you in a reflective mood, and yet with glorious Venus making a lovely aspect to your sector of finances from the 17th to the 22nd, despite the headwinds in costs many of us have been experiencing, you might receive a pleasant surprise. Just like much of 2021, the security-minded Saturn is in a provocative angle with Uranus, the planet of freedom. But despite the frustrations, this could give you a second chance to manifest the future you really feel you deserve. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Taurus, have you been putting off an important appointment? As Mercury rewinds in Libra from the 10th, this can be the prompt to rectify things. This coincides with a Pisces Full Moon, which is asking you to decide on a project you've been working on, and you may find that you will update and flex, as Mercury further retrogrades on the 24th, into your sector of personal expression. If you can be diligent, this may find you celebrating around the Autumn Equinox, when the finishing details are tied up. But despite all this, push to focus on blending talent with precision, if you work for someone else or in a big organization or corporation, don't let your pragmatism pulverize your passion, or else frustrations can steadily mount.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your guide planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 10th, initially in your sister air sign of Libra. But as much as this may have given you a push to interact with others early on in September, this is a month when home and hearth can call out to you powerfully. For sure, Mars in your sign is giving you more innate drive, but its square to last month's Solar Lunation in Virgo, suggests you may want to direct some of your energies towards making your residency or emotional ties as good as possible. From the 16th to the 22nd, some big transformations can shape up deep within you, or around you too. Once the Autumnal Equinox occurs on the 23rd, you will likely feel more outgoing, and especially on the sensational New Moon of the 25th, which for you in particular, could prove fortunate for relationships of all kinds.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A slice of serendipity is possible in week one, but also a surprise text or email from someone influential from your past may delight. The Pisces Full Moon on the 10th September in your travel sector, coincides with the planet of talk and thought turning retrograde. This could bring news of a family member coming to visit. But equally, your plans or ideas may not mesh quite as sweetly with others for the following two weeks. You'll have a chance to catch up on outstanding correspondence after the 24th, when Mercury further rewinds back into Virgo sharpening your perceptions, especially around important documentation. If a home change or family developments are key at this time, an important conversation can provide some telling insights, and the New Moon of the 25th, and Venus gliding into one of her home zones of Libra on the 29th, can see you set your intentions for the weeks ahead, in these especially vital areas for your sign.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Mars is urging you to think hard about your long terms hopes, and the way you can network with others to achieve them. Its angle to Mercury for the first ten days, can see lots of exciting and sparkling conversations. With Venus leaving your sign on the 5th, this can often trigger some kind of uptick around income, but the overall financial environs we are all facing, suggest you may want to play safe with any potential gains, and the Full Moon of the 10th, suggests juggling to keep things in balance. Still, for a Fixed sign like yours, change is not always welcome, but the Sun's angle to Uranus in week two, urges you to be as open minded and flexible as possible. With Neptune opposing the Sun in week three, you can be more sensitive to rich or sugary foods, but Pluto suggests you can find that streak of virtue, if needed. Lovely connections later in the month, could see a new bond forged locally or on line.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Mars has now taken up residence for a lengthy stay in your career sector Virgo, giving you a welcome boost of drive and determination. Allow free rein to thoughts and ideas that come up for you, especially before your ruler Mercury goes retrograde on the 10th in your finance sector. With the Sun, and from the 5th Venus, in your own sign, this is the perfect month to embrace your individuality and show others just how talented you are. But this will require you to give permission to yourself to pursue your own needs. Why? Well, the retreating Saturn is squaring the planet of change, Uranus, and that part of you that can be sacrificing to others, may see moments of guilt or reflection. Any new hopes are unlikely to progress in a straight line, with challenges on the 10th, and also when Neptune can lower your vitality in week three. Keep the faith, as more tangible rewards and progress can become clearer by the month's end.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

One of the year's most seminal events occurs on the 23rd, with the Autumnal Equinox and the beginning of Cardinal Quadrant three. Your natural ability to relate skillfully is enhanced from then for thirteen weeks, but much of September you may find yourself searching for your true purpose, and even a spark of drive. How so? Yes, Mars is in a super motivated and expansive zone, but the Sun, Venus and also Mercury later on, spend much of this month in 12th House, the sector of deep reflection. If you do find yourself travelling it may be for work, or if you can get away, to somewhere quiet and peaceful. Some Scales will be attracted by spa days or retreats. Your energy can be particularly sensitive in week three, so avoid anyone who tends to lower your vitality at the best of times. But, by the time of the Libra New Moon of the 25th, you can get back on the front foot, even if who you can trust has confirmed some niggling doubts. Some kind of personal makeover later in the month, can though give you a confidence lift.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Do you remember a bit of a stand-off between what you wanted and what a partner or family member wanted, concerning your home life or where to live back in 2021? If this strikes a celestial chord with you, just be aware that Saturn Square Uranus, the planetary alignment that triggered this, is coming back into greater influence once more. However, this time all you've learned can see some solutions unfold. But to achieve, the Sun, then Venus and finally Mercury, ask you to seek out ways that you can work together, constructively, so there is greater chance everyone can get at least some of what they need. What may surprise you is the ideas others generate, which may be more unusual, but actually very smart. What is undeniable, is that your yearning for what you really want and need, Mars in your 8th House, is likely to be very considerable indeed.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Mars in your sector of engagement, competition and relating, forges a superb angle to Mercury through the first third of September, and this can see you join forces with someone who shares your credo or who like you, enjoys testing themselves out. And speaking of which, if your desire to raise your profile and make progress professionally is high, chances are you can do precisely that. There is one proviso though Archer, you need to recognize that to gain greater recognition, you may need to change things, and after a stressful last couple of years, this can make things somewhat edgy. Still, from the 23rd, it can be a case of who as much as what you know, and with Jupiter your ruler, despite its retrograde, linking really helpfully to the New Moon of the 25th, your network can prove influential. Indeed, if you are solo, one friend can become so much more.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Full Moon in Pisces on the 10th, coincides with quicksilver Mercury turning retrograde. The combination of these energies is inviting you to review decisions you have been pondering, concerning perhaps your career, or even might it be, where you want to enjoy more spontaneity and freedom? Yet chances are your sense of self, or financial resources, can feed into much of this, and with your ruler, Saturn, continuing to retrace his steps, and in an abrasive right angle to the planet of change, Uranus, your traditional instinct for caution, is likely well placed. The really good news though Capricorn, is that your stamina can improve this month, especially in the last ten days, and your patience and diligence can, along with a generously supported New Moon, lead to the outcomes you have been striving quietly towards for some time.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your sex appeal is emboldened by the strident energies of Mars this month. And whether it's in connecting socially to people in the first twelve days, or getting personal plans more settled and productive in the last week, you can truly shine. Yet your 8th House is powerfully activated all September, and this is the sector of transformations. As ever with this deep area, some strands can make way, others begin afresh, but it may be somewhat intense. With your two rulers of Saturn and Uranus both in Retrograde and back in a strident right angle, any restlessness you're feeling emotionally, family wise or where you live, may make it feel that options are limited. But perhaps all of this is serving to urge you to define what it is you really need, rather than focusing on what you think you want. However, a much breezier skyscape takes shape during the last week, and this can see some lovely journeys or sweet interactions.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

This month sees a Full Moon in your sign Pisces, and this is almost certainly going to give you celestial food for thought about your relationships, of all kinds. Yet, with Uranus strongly in the picture, there can also be some sudden, unexpected and buzzy connections, which can prove enlivening, even exciting. Neptune, one of your two co-regents, can though provide some tricky and perhaps confusing energies, especially in week three, when someone can seem illusive, perhaps even darn right dishonest. But with your 11th House of future plans, supported by the potent Pluto, its influence on the Sun from the 16th to the 22nd, and with Mercury in the last week, these urge you to go with the flow. There may also be times when you find interactions either over stimulate you, or leave you feeling somewhat exhausted. Mars is also pushing you to think more about where you live, who with and how. Yet financially, your prospects do brighten as the month comes to a close.