Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Monthly Horoscopes May 2022

A disruptive start to the month is possible followed by an incredibly tense Scorpio Lunar Eclipse midmonth, which is sharply affected by the restrictive energies of Saturn. Communications will also require great care this May as Mercury rewinds through two signs, first Gemini, then Taurus. However, Mars and Jupiter meet in Aries as the month ends, which can be galvanising in so many ways. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes May 2022 please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for May 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This dynamic month brings opportunities for growth and expansion, as Venus, Jupiter and Mars enter your sign. You'll thrive when you respond to sparks of inspiration, and run with them. At the same time, it helps to let go of whatever isn't working, so you are able to move forward with confidence. The Lunar Eclipse midmonth will assist with this. From the 21st new ideas beckon. The Sun and New Moon in Gemini, can find you busy with plans that may make swift progress. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As Venus, Jupiter and Mars move into your spiritual zone this month, you'll feel more at ease with yourself. It's a great time for healing and learning about the subtle and intangible side of life. The Eclipse in Scorpio on the 16th, could highlight issues within a relationship that need discussion. Secrets may be revealed, or you might want to share something that's been on your mind. Looking for a fresh financial start? The Gemini New Moon will get you back on track.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your social sector buzzes this month, as key planets including Jupiter, move in and inspire you to expand your options. You'll attract wonderful opportunities by moving in new circles. Mercury rewinds in your sign on the 10th, so prepare well in advance to avoid delays. You'll also gain much by streamlining your routines, and could be ruthless in this regard. The Sun's move into your sign on the 21st, along with a New Moon, is perfect for initiating brilliant plans and goals.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

After a time of relative quiet concerning career plans, this month could see an explosion of activity, as Jupiter and Mars inspire you to action. You'll have big ideas, and will be fired up and ready to show the world what you can do. Take it easy around midmonth, as an intense Lunar Eclipse could find you falling head over heels for someone. Whatever your feelings, it's best not to rush this. And as the Sun eases into a private zone, use this chance to reflect and recharge.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With Venus, upbeat Jupiter and dynamic Mars, entering fellow fire sign Aries, it's time to move out of your comfort zone and expand your options. This is a very exciting time for you Leo, when a fearless approach could change your life. Thinking of moving or renovating your property? The Lunar Eclipse midmonth, suggests doing so will encourage a fresh start. From June 21st, you'll be busier socially. Connecting with kindred spirits will leave you feeling supported.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You'll be ready to embrace new developments, and this month certainly encourages this. But you might also be keen to start a business or make savvy moves to improve your financial outlook. Mercury turns retrograde from the 10th, so certain projects may need to be put on ice due to unforeseen circumstances. Yet the Sun's move into your career zone, encourages you to boldly showcase your skills. Ready to launch an idea? The New Moon on the 30th can assist.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This looks to be an empowering month for relationships, Libra. Sweet Venus, fortunate Jupiter and sassy Mars move into Aries, making this a wonderful time for romantic and business transactions. Finances might need a firmer touch due to the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th. You may want to pare back unnecessary expenses. And as the Sun enters Gemini on May 21st, the urge to explore and make new discoveries is strong. Something you start will build momentum fast.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

This month can see a complete change regards your routines and habits. With three powerful and beneficial planets moving into Aries, you'll be ready to take on a better job, enhance well-being and your energy could increase, giving you scope to do more things. The Eclipse in your sign on May 16th, is a chance to resolve emotional issues and let go of whatever has held you back. From May 21st, new information can emerge that encourages a positive financial turnaround, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This truly is a dynamic month, especially for you Archer. Planetary energies in your leisure sector can see you bursting with creativity, and keen to go on a few adventures. You'll be filled with buoyancy and optimism, and this will fuel new ideas and opportunities. And you'll be ready to find closure on an issue that could be a drain on you. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th makes this possible. A relationship may move to a new level from May 21st, or a romance can take off.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A lot is going on at home this month. Have plans to redecorate, renovate or move to a new area? This is the time when action rules, and you'll be ready to make a start. Whatever ideas you had could become bolder and bigger than intended. The mid-month Eclipse may be an opportunity to clear the air with a friend or group. Diplomacy might be needed. And from May 21st, you'll be keen to juggle your routines so you can study or indulge new interests. Don't overdo it though.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If your work involves communication, then May and beyond look promising. You'll be popular, and people will want to interact with you and do business with you. You'll have many ideas that could enrich your future. The Lunar Eclipse on May 16th, could put you in the spotlight. If you have strong feelings about something, discussing it in public could assist others. Creativity will be at a peak too Aquarius, and a romantic relationship might become much more established.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Vibrant energies light up your money zone, and give you the courage and determination to make positive changes to your financial picture. You'll be thinking in bigger and bolder ways about how you can increase your income, that is enjoyable and even fun. The midmonth Eclipse may encourage you to let go of something so you can embrace a bigger and better opportunity. From the 21st, some self-care and nurturing might help you unwind, recharge and reset your priorities.