Horoscopes January 2019

A most uniquely sparkling set of influences emerge as January unfolds, featuring Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Great things are possible, but more worldly considerations are flagged by the potent Capricorn Solar Eclipse. Genuine good news and fortune are possible and especially in personal relationships, but responsibilities will still need to be attended to. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes January 2019 please see below… 

Monthly Horoscopes for January 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You can storm into 2019 Aries, for with your ruling planet Mars returning to your sign just as the year's turn, this can provide the spark, drive and determination to act out any New Year's resolutions you have crafted. With a Solar Eclipse on the 6th, emphasizing your ambitions and goals, do take your talents seriously. If you work hard, you can reach for the stars.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your love of familiarity is being challenged by planetary activity as 2019 begins. Initially, this can leave you feeling a little unsettled. But if you explore more deeply anything that is making you feel this way, your scrutiny will reveal some golden opportunities. This may seem daunting, but if you're prepared to step outside your comfort zone, real progress is possible.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Who you know can be just as important as what you know. Major transformations can unfold for you in January Gemini, but the co-operation and input of others can prove to be a real asset. The Capricorn Solar Eclipse of the 6th, points towards embracing your entrepreneurial skills, and especially where you use your imagination. Romance can revive, even sparkle, from the 9th.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The most ambitious part of your activities are given an enormous planetary boost. This is your chance to claim much greater recognition, not just in January, but all through 2019. The other area this month so potently emphasized, are your relationships. There are opportunities, but equally, to better understand how others see you and what their needs are.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It's possible that your New Year's resolutions will centre on health, fitness, diet and general life organization. And there is a great chance to make any virtuous changes stick. But another part of you may yearn for some kind of change, new experiences or even greater spontaneity. The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 21st, will be a big aid to achieving this.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It's said that home is where the heart is Virgo, and whilst grappling with any creative or artistic strands may appeal to you, being as comfortable as possible in your environment could see you hitting the January sales, looking for new furnishings, making decorative changes or moving altogether. If you're looking to add to the family, the stars are so supportive.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your natural default is to be a people pleaser, but finding a better balance between this and your own needs is essential this month Libra. If you can, the alliances that your ruler Venus makes with both Jupiter and also Mars, can lead to changes that will reverberate positively for many years to come. A home improvement scheme can also take shape.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your traditional ruler Mars, is going to help you to work really hard, right from the get go this January. And with Mercury's sparkling alliance with Uranus, it can be your penchant for innovation, technology or working more flexibly, that can aid you so well. Indeed, any role that helps you to use your mind and stimulates you, will be far more appealing Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

It's true that the planets in your Solar Horoscope are asking you to take the marshalling of your resources really seriously. But your personality power and charisma are going to shine so very brightly, that this is going to help to unlock opportunities just as much as hard work and application, though these remain vitally important. Solo or smitten, you can feel so very alluring Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

2019 is going to see three Eclipses in your zodiac sign Capricorn. The first of which, a Solar Eclipse, occurs on the 6th. Its conjunction with your ruler Saturn and enabling alliance with the planet of imagination Neptune, urges you to focus on any personal ideas, with your natural hard work, but also plenty of inspiration. Someone from your past can also get in touch.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You have a fantastic appreciation of friendship, and can have warm alliances with lots of different types of people. This approach is going to boost your popularity hugely in January, and the month, which can sometimes be long and testing, can be lit up with positivity. You can also find yourself taking more spiritual aspects of your existence much more seriously.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your two ruling planets of Neptune and Jupiter, are enormously important this month, and in a very helpful way. The Solar Eclipse of the 6th, asks you to clearly identify what inspires you, and once this is clear, your star really can be in the ascendant. All sorts of goals and ambitions can then race towards you, with one influential person hugely helpful.