Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Monthly Horoscopes February 2022

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 1st of the Month, is powerful This sees a tense right angle between the Sun and Moon and Uranus the planet of change. This is probably not the best of months to mix business with pleasure, or if we do, set firm structures in place for who does and contributes what. Being idealistic ties in with Aquarius, but being realistic comes from Saturn’s input to this event. Still, Jupiter, the planet of plenty, Venus and Mars all bring positive possibilities to bear. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes February 2022 please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for February 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This sparkling month has a lot going for it, with new opportunities and a determination to forge ahead spurring you on. The zesty New Moon on the 1st, can inspire you to restructure your plans so that you have more freedom, while still accomplishing your goals. This thread shows up in other ways, with a dynamic Jupiter/Uranus angle on the 17th bringing an intuitive nudge that might enhance your income. From the 18th it’s time to relax, recharge and tie up loose ends. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You’re on a roll, with a fabulous New Moon on the 1st making this a good time to jettison whatever isn’t working, and adopt new methods and goals. This is an excellent time to promote yourself in novel ways and gain an audience or following. The planets are pushing you to try new things, to be bold and adventurous. On the 17th, an encounter could have a fortunate outcome. Your social life blossoms from February 18th. It’s time to get out and enjoy yourself.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Ready to step out of your comfort zone? A lovely New Moon on the 1st, can find you poised to break with the past and embrace an exciting future. And getting others on board with an idea or goal, could pave the way for a successful outcome. As upbeat Jupiter aligns with electric Uranus on March 17th, it’s time to trust your instincts as they may lead to a bold opportunity. The Sun’s move into Pisces on the 18th is your chance to shine and showcase your wonderful skills.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The financial picture looks rosier, with the New Moon on the 1st inspiring you to make changes that will enhance your income and get your money working harder for you. Other aspects suggest that the more you reach out and connect, the more chance you have of seizing lucrative opportunities. With a Full Moon on the 16th, go easy with spending as you could overreach yourself. Eager for new adventures? The 18th onwards can find you taking a leap of faith.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Will you forge an independent path or team up? The New Moon in week one, suggests that aligning yourself with the right people could be a game changer. And with your intuition being spot-on, you’ll know who they are when you meet them. Romance or a strong attraction is possible, especially around the 16th. You may be tempted to share your feelings for someone. As the Sun eases into Pisces from the 18th, you’ll be more resourceful with your money, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The New Moon on the 1st brings potential changes to your routines. You’ll be ready for a shift that gives you more freedom and enhances your income. You’ll be keen to experiment and explore ideas and options that might open new doors for you. A relationship could take off around the 16th, with a sizzling Venus/Mars link brimming with chemistry. Relationships in general look good, and from the 18th, giving them extra attention will help them to blossom.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Relationships will benefit from this month’s stimulating aspects. Eager to initiate a romance? The New Moon on the 1st could help in this respect. But be sure a past relationship is over and done with first, Libra. You’ll be an attractive option, with some fabulous aspects bringing opportunities for new friendships and soulmate encounters. Plus, the bond with your current partner could flame with passion. Eager to succeed? Reorganise your routines, and you can.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

February seems magnetic, and you’ll find it easy to attract opportunities and relationships that can benefit you. Ready to create a revolution at home? The New Moon on the 1st inspires you to make a few changes. The Full Moon in a highflying zone on February 16th, could find you in the spotlight. Need to promote something? You’ll do it with emotion and conviction. The 17th brings an opportunity not to be missed. From the 18th, romance and creativity look very positive.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This month, you are encouraged to try new ways and technologies, rather than the tried and trusted. The willingness to experiment and explore fresh options will benefit you greatly. Keen to enhance your income? A positive Venus/Mars tie on the 16th along with a potent Full Moon, could pave the way for a plan or project that can be as exciting as it is lucrative. From February 18th the Sun moves into a private zone, encouraging you to enjoy some self-care.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

February is packed with exciting opportunities. The New Moon on the 1st, encourages you to experiment with new ways to enhance your income. And with lively Mercury turning direct, any plans and projects that have been on the backburner could now begin to flourish. Connections you make with others look to be very special, as well as profitable. Romance is a big possibility, especially around the 16th. Plus, a creative collaboration may be a sheer delight, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You’ll resonate with February’s fabulous aspects and influences. The New Moon in your sign on the 1st, could see you taking a bold step forward. The more you experiment with innovative options, the more progress you’ll make. Relationships sparkle with promise around the Full Moon of the 16th. There is also potential for a drama, along with opportunities to kiss and make up. Money matters look positive, especially if you trust your intuition concerning a key decision.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Follow your spiritual leanings, Pisces. If you get the urge to learn meditation, yoga or other healing practices, they could lead to peace of mind and help you move beyond your limits. Looking for romance? A scintillating Venus/Mars tie on February 16th, hints at an attraction that you can no longer deny. Things may begin to heat up from this point onwards. Looking for a golden opportunity? The 17th is a day to watch. From the 18th, you’ll be truly in your element.