Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes December 2016

Mercury sweeps into Capricorn early this year, and also begins a rare fourth retrograde in one year on the 19th. Attention to detail over Christmas arrangments will be important but lots of structural changes can also create a really positive backdrop. Things can be exciting too in especially in the first ten days, so expect lots of random events. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes December 2016 please see below… 

Monthly Horoscopes December 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Uranus, the planet of surprises located in your sign, is going to be hugely influential for you this month around the festivities as much as your long-term future is concerned. This can slowly but surely see new opportunities open up. Mind your intuition is going to be important too, so listen to this carefully, especially when meeting influential people, Aries. {copytag:[735]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The desire to travel, meet different people or spend Christmas in a place different to your usual location can be very strong. However, with Mercury rewinding for the last third of December, all this can be quite fluid and subject to last minute changes of plan. A friend can play an increasingly important role, and especially if you have a shared cause that bonds you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Saturn has had such a major influence in your relating sector these last two years, and it may not have been all plain sailing. This month however, he is a force for good. The ties that can grow with you, in other-words add something to your world, are going to be the ones that bless your Christmas time and beyond. A work opportunity in a caring sector can also emerge. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

An openness to new ideas around health and fitness can be a real asset to you this month, Cancer. Of course, December is not the best of months to be grappling with a new diet, but it may not be this that you actually try to do. It's more that you can get a profound idea of some changes in your life structure that you need to make. Clear communication is vital too.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The desire to break away from restrictive situations has reached a high in recent times, but now you can see your way forwards. The wonderful thing is the extra space you've created for yourself, can now see you more availing to other people's needs. Just be sure that you don't let your boundaries get too compromised, or you'll start to feel resentful once more.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You can be much more playful this December, as your ruler Mercury enters the most self expressive part of your 'scope on the 3rd. Your creativity can also be very high. Last minute changes on the home front can see you preparing for any potential visitors, and you may be spinning quite a few plates. One relationship can capture your imagination as 2016 ends.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your ideas and even mode of expression have not chimed with others quite as smoothly at times over the last two years. Yet, December is an opportunity to work on the relationships that are important to you, and where there is a really constructive vibe. Although family matters may dominate Christmas, it is going to be important to give yourself some time to chill-out.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As far as Christmas spending is concerned, this year it's probably best to keep a little bit of flexibility in your budget. You may have some last-minute gift ideas which means that if you can, keeping a little money aside could come in very handy. Your words are also going to take on a great deal of meaning, and some very profound conversations can unfold over the holiday season.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Some of the restrictive energy of the last two years can seem less to the fore this month. This can cheer you, as can seeing what you've been putting in place in that time starting to take shape, as it can do really well. With Mercury retracing his steps from the 19th, be persistent around any money that's owed to you and right through to the end of the year, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With Mercury joining your sign early this year, you can find yourself in the mood to take a firmer grip on proceedings, but there may still be some more sensitive issues from your past that come to the surface on the back of the Full Moon of the 14th. But some exciting developments can really inspire you in the last week of the year as far as your plans for 2017.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With Mars in your sign through to the 18th and Venus joining from the 9th, you can dazzle people with your individuality and be much more outgoing than is often the case, at least in the last ten days of the year. It's what makes you different that can draw folk to you, and you could find yourself much in demand. In fact, your main issue may be in deciding who to turn down.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Work responsibilities can dominate, but also you can see significant progress shaping up which can be mightily pleasing. There will still be time to have fun, and once Mars moves into your sign on the 19th, you can be determined to be part of this. However, you still may find yourself feeling particularly sentimental for one relationship or one person from your past.