Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Tuesday 26th March 2024

The Moon in balanced Libra makes an awkward angle to electric Uranus which could find us in a restless mood.

We may be keen to connect with different people who are a breath of fresh air. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 26th March 2024 please see below… 

Horoscopes Tuesday 26th March 2024

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Moon in diplomatic Libra makes convivial ties that could lead to exciting, positive and useful conversations. The more you link with others, join groups and pool ideas, the more productive the coming days and weeks can be. Even so, a more reflective influence may find you ready to reach out with a view to resolving issues that need some discussion and closure.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It's time to set the scene for what's to come. As dynamic Mars continues its journey through your social zone, you'll be eager to make the most of any offers or opportunities. And if your lifestyle improves too, you'll be even more delighted. Today's lunar ties encourage you to stay on the pulse and see what you can discover that might bring about the breakthrough you desire.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Looking for ways to free up your time and explore new interests? You might even be looking for a job or career that allows you to work from anywhere. Pluto in your sector of travel and far horizons could intensify this desire, Gemini. And while you may be limited as to where you can go right now, things will change. Be prepared, as new adventures will soon show up.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Over the past years you've learnt a lot about what makes other people tick. Now with an ongoing focus on a psychological zone, you can make use of this in so many ways. An understanding of the values of those you work with or are close to, could be a gamechanger. Keen for someone to embrace an idea or plan? Knowing what they really want makes it easier.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Whatever has been happening regarding a key relationship, things could take a positive turn very soon. The Moon in diplomatic Libra makes interesting ties, allowing conversation to flow, differences to be smoothed over and a budding romance to show greater promise. Plus, this can be an excellent time to promote a skill or talent, as a fortunate aspect suggests you will do well.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It's time to find a balance between what you can and can't do, Virgo. With potent Pluto in your work sector, you may be busier than ever, with little time to yourself. Upbeat Jupiter in a far-reaching zone, encourages you to explore new options that could lead to a better future. Which activities inspire you, or turn you off? Something might need to go so you can forge ahead.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Moon in your sign and its lively aspects can enhance confidence, and make you aware of all you could accomplish if you tried. While a feeling of pressure may have left you wondering what your next move should be, the coming days might find you mulling over workable solutions. Your horoscope revelas that the willingness to think out of the box and explore new options can be a major help here, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If an emotional event happened again, you would likely deal with it differently. As you can't turn back time, you may be left with the realisation that what's needed is a chance for things to heal. Today's lunar ties can help you take the first step. While you can't expect miracles, this is an opportunity to break the ice, make a gesture of reconciliation and see how it goes, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Although your mind is full of serious ideas, this doesn't stop you from looking for novel and exciting ways to implement them. As lovely Venus continues to align with expansive Jupiter, something can occur to you that has a touch of genius. You might even wonder why you never thought of it before. Now you have, get moving and it could progress in wonderful ways.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Feel it's inappropriate to share what's on your mind? Do it anyway Capricorn, as you'll be surprised at the number of people who agree with you. You may find you have more friends and supporters than you thought, which could be heart-warming. Plus, a small windfall can boost your mood. Treating yourself to something nice might get the coming days off to a fabulous start.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Pushing yourself harder than ever to accomplish big plans? If so, this is very commendable. You may go through what seem like testing times though Aquarius, or situations that try your patience. With Pluto in your sign for several months, you're learning how to push beyond your limits. The rewards that will be yours when you stay the course will be worth the effort.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may wish that things were different Pisces, but the focus on a spiritual zone suggests that you are in exactly the right place. And that this is a time to resolve any issues rather than go into denial. You don't have to cope with everything alone. Whatever is going on, there's someone with the experience and knowledge to help. If you need support, then be sure to ask for it.

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