Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Sunday 6th August 2023

The Moon in Aries aligns with Venus in Leo, so we may be in a romantic or creative mood, or ready to enjoy some pampering.

Mind, with Venus rewinding we'll be a lot more thoughtful about any decisions, taking the time to choose wisely. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 6th August 2023 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 6th August 2023

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With a strong and lively Jupiter presence showing up you'll be more optimistic about life in general, but also about your goals and money-making plans. Plus, the Sun's angle to this uplifting planet could enhance your intuition. So, if you get an urge to do something or go somewhere, then follow through. There's a good chance it will be to your benefit, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Be prepared for an opportunity that could come and go in a flash. The Sun's positive tie to upbeat Jupiter hints at the chance to make big changes on the home front. If it shows up and feels right, then go for it, Taurus. You'll be in a buoyant mood over coming days, and this can encourage you to try out an idea that has been on your mind, but that felt like a push too far.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Ready to take a small risk on a personal goal? It's very likely, with a restless solar tie spurring you onwards and upwards. Bored with your current situation? If so, you may wonder why you put up with it. With expansive Jupiter in the mix, the call to embrace change might have been ringing out for some while Gemini, and every step you take will renew you inside and out.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Although you may have a few doubts about a key issue, a positive Sun/Jupiter angle can bring out the best in you. You'll be able to spot those opportunities that are there for you. Plus, your horoscope reveals that the Moon in your career zone, gives you an assertive edge that can smooth the way ahead. Go easy with spending though, as Venus retro could inspire you to shop, even if you shouldn't.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As the Sun triggers generous Jupiter, you may be reminded of your mission to accomplish something remarkable. If so, this might spur you on to explore thrilling ideas or take on a challenge. Is something holding you back? It could be that you haven't yet committed to go down this route. You can plod along, and you'll likely do fine, but your heart wants something more.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With Mercury your personal planet in your sign, it's time to get straight to the point and say it like it is. Not only will it clear the air, but it can bring clarity too, letting others know where they stand. Once this is done, a beneficial Sun/Jupiter tie encourages you to take on board new ideas or explore an interest that you're keen to know more about. You won't be disappointed.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Sun in your social zone forges a tie to Jupiter in an intense sector, so you may be drawn to someone who has a strong sense of presence and who oozes sensuality. Whether you want to be friends or feel a romantic pull, this connection could lead you to explore new ideas, and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, especially when it comes to finance and business.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

While the Sun is in top position in your chart, Venus's rewind phase is taking place in the same spot, so you might feel less confident than usual. And yet with Jupiter in the mix, someone could give you the boost you need. They'll be keen to let people know how good you are at what you do. They have your back, and so do others who you may not know about. You can relax.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Ready to reshuffle your priorities? Links to jovial Jupiter can inspire you to rethink your day and let go of what doesn't work. Perhaps you want to get creative, start your own business or learn a new skill or hobby. Maybe you're looking for better health or time to relax? If you have an inkling to move forward with anything important, then cutting out the dead wood could help.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Keen for a wish to come true? Something you would like to happen may be within reach. All it takes for you to get it, is to stop doubting yourself and make a move. At the same time, a delightful aspect could bring you help when you need it most. Someone might give you just the support you need or say the right words to boost your spirits and give you self-assurance.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A little charm may go a long way, leading to a change of heart. If someone has been critical of you, then an upbeat tie can inspire you to turn this matter to your advantage. Consider offering to do something they hadn't expected, to show you don't take it to heart. They may wonder if you have an ulterior motive, but your kindness will shine out letting them know you're trustworthy.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you feel pumped up, it may be because a positive aspect encourages you to believe in yourself and to dare to move beyond your known limits. Plus, with the Moon in Aries, you might feel a spark of extra courage, enabling you to do something that's been on your mind for some while. Just taking the initial steps will get you over the first hurdle, and after that you'll be away.

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